Citation: CR. MISC. No.21467 of 2023 Decided On: 16-10-2023 Coram: : Honourable Mr. Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh Introduction: The petitioner h
Citation: CR. MISC. No.21467 of 2023 Decided On: 16-10-2023 Coram: : Honourable Mr. Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh Introduction: The petitioner h
Title: Binesh Paswan v The State Of Bihar Citation: CR. MISC. No.21466 of 2023 Decided On; 16-10-2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice Chakradhari Sha
Citation: CR. MISC. No.21192 of 202 Decided On: 16-10-2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh Introduction: The petitioner has
High Court of Bombay on Bata’s status of such salesman as ‘workman’ under the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 and consequently as ‘employee