The Karnataka High Court passed a judgement on 16.12.22 quashing the State’s decision to exclude Private Sector employees From BH-Series Registra
The Karnataka High Court passed a judgement on 16.12.22 quashing the State’s decision to exclude Private Sector employees From BH-Series Registra
The Odisha High Court on 26.02.1958 passed a judgement for the proceeding for contempt started against the former Chief Minister of Orissa, Sri Nab
In the matter of Kumaraswamy vs The Executive Engineer (Elec) on 22 November, 2022(M.F.A.NO.3585/2017 (MV–I)) presided by THE HON’BLE M
In the matter of Mohammed Riyaz vs The State Of Karnataka on 22 November, 2022(W.P.H.C. No.74/2022) presided by THE HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE S.VIS
The Andhra Pradesh High Court, passed a Judgement on 21st April 2022 were This was seen in the case of Chennuboina Raj Kumar vs. State of Andhra Pr
The Madhya Pradesh High Court, modified it’s recent judgement of he was kind enough to leave the prosecutrix alive to that he did not cause any o
The Madhya Pradesh High Court observed that that a wife’s mere roaming along with any male other than the husband does not constitute a presu
Materials must be presented to the court to show the progress of the investigation and reasons for the remand or extension of remand is upheld by t
The Gujarat High Court has ordered the CBIC to reimburse the GST paid on ocean freight within six weeks, plus interest at the statutory rate. The S
In the case of M/s Vivek Pharmachem (India) Ltd. v. State Of Rajasthan & Anr.( S.B. Criminal Writ Petition No.1657/2021), Justice Birendra Ku