The Bombay High Court in its recent ruling on the 8th of February, 2023 gave its judgment on the case of Balkrishna S/o Babanrao Mhaske Versus The
The Bombay High Court in its recent ruling on the 8th of February, 2023 gave its judgment on the case of Balkrishna S/o Babanrao Mhaske Versus The
The Bombay High Court in its judgment on the 20th of January, 2023 stated that Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Private Limited had not established
In this Public Interest Litigation case, the Apex Court took into account allegations of negligence and misconduct on the part of adoption agencie
Madras High court In this a writ petition was filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, challenging the order of the learned Single Jud
On 31st August 2007 the Odisha High Court passed a Judgement relating to the case of Paradip Post Trust and General Secretary. And the Judgement wa
On 30th April 1976, the Odisha High Court passed a judgement in relation to Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and The Insurance Act, 1938. This Judgement wa
Madras High Court In this case AIADMK minister got arrested after the complaint got filed against him by a Malaysian Women to whom the minister had
On 27th January 1999, The Odisha High Court passed a judgement in relation to Jogendra Nahak And Ors. vs State Of Orissa And Ors. (1999) 16 OCR 2
On 3rd April, 1951 the Odisha High Court Passed a Judgement where the contemnors guilty of contempt of the Court. The judgement was passed by Justi
On 20th July 2004 the High Court of Odisha Passed a Judgement with regard to whether a direction can be issued for conducting DNA test and blood gr