Title: Municipal Commissioner Pune Municipal Corporation and Anr. v. Ashish Laxman Chavan Decided on: 03 November, 2023 + Writ Petition No. 8953 o
Title: Municipal Commissioner Pune Municipal Corporation and Anr. v. Ashish Laxman Chavan Decided on: 03 November, 2023 + Writ Petition No. 8953 o
Title: Rajan P v State of Kerala Citation: WP(C) NO. 23667 OF 2022 Decided on: 27.10.2023 Coram: Justice Raja Vijayaraghavan V Introduction The Ker
Title: Radhe @ Radheshyam Singh Tomar v. The State Of Madhya Pradesh Citation: MCRC No. 39865 of 2023 Decided on: 30.10.2023 Coram: Justice Anand P
Case Title: Magesh Karthikeyan v The Commissioner of Police Case No: W.P.No.30692 of 2023 Dated: 31.10.2023 Coram: THE HONOURABLE Dr.J
Introduction Recently the High Court of Karnataka situated at Bangalore had declined to quash criminal proceedings instituted against the previous
Title: Chandra Kishori v Union Of India Citation: Appeal Under Section 37 Of Arbitration And Conciliation Act 1996 No. – 55 And 56 Of 2022 Coram:
Title: Seema v State Govt. Of NCT Of Delhi And Ors. Citation: W.P.(CRL) 3218/2023 Decided on: 02.11.2023 Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice Suresh Kumar
Title: Mohd Nasim vs. The State Citation: CRL.REV.P.296/2017 Coram: HON’BLE DR. JUSTICE SUDHIR KUMAR JAIN Decided on: 3-11-2023 Introductio
Title: Jaymanti Devi vs. The State of Bihar & ORS. Citation: Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No:6338 of 2023 Coram: HONA’BLE MR. JUSTICE PURNE
High Court of Bombay Observed System Default is the standard excuse given by the Department when it comes to giving refunds. Title : Matrix Publi