Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Disruption of law and order that results in disorder is not always enough to justify action under the Preventive Detention Act, : Gujarat High Court
Disruption of law and order that results in disorder is not always enough to justify action under the Preventive Detention Act, : Gujarat High Court
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

  TITLE:  Sikandar Ishakbhai Shaikh Versus Additional Director General of Police Decided On-: August 17, 2023 12289 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble

The Gujarat HC overturned the NCLT’s order rejecting Vodafone’s refund application under Section 54(5) of the CGST Act, 2017
The Gujarat HC overturned the NCLT’s order rejecting Vodafone’s refund application under Section 54(5) of the CGST Act, 2017
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

TITLE:  Vodafone Mobile Services Limited V Union of India Decided On-: August 10, 2023 1345 of 2021 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. Biren and Mr. Dev

It is high time that the State Authorities reflect on their action of passing detention orders in a hasty manner Observed :Gujarat High court
It is high time that the State Authorities reflect on their action of passing detention orders in a hasty manner Observed :Gujarat High court
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

  TITLE:  Shankarbhai Dhirubhai Vaghela v State of Gujarat Decided On-: August 11, 2023 10603 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr. A.S Supehi

The Madras High Court emphasized that the quality of evidence was more important than the quantity in a case involving financial fraud
The Madras High Court emphasized that the quality of evidence was more important than the quantity in a case involving financial fraud
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

  Dated: 22.08.2023 CORAM: THE HONOURABLE DR. JUSTICE G.JAYACHANDRAN Crl.O.P.No.30022 of 2022   Introduction: The case of State v. K. Mohanraj an

The Madras High Court held that it was imperative for the investigation to proceed and for the report to be submitted by the investigating officer.
The Madras High Court held that it was imperative for the investigation to proceed and for the report to be submitted by the investigating officer.
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

  Dated :23.08.2023 CORAM: THE HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE N.ANAND VENKATESH Crl.O.P.No.18847 of 2023   Introduction: The case of N. Aswathaman v. Stat

Bombay HC:  Sweepers employed through contractors are   “employees” eligible for permanency benefits
Bombay HC: Sweepers employed through contractors are “employees” eligible for permanency benefits
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Municipal Corporation of City of Jalgaon v. Miraj Mahila Audyogik Cooperative Society Ltd., & Ors. Decided on: 22.08.2023 + WRIT PETITIO

Bombay High Court dismisses a petition under Sec. 127, MRTP Act for unreasonable delay
Bombay High Court dismisses a petition under Sec. 127, MRTP Act for unreasonable delay
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Gopal Kashinath Lad (Kele) v. State of Maharashtra & Ors. Decided on: 22.08.2023 WRIT PETITION NO. 10044 OF 2018 CORAM: RAVINDRA V. GHUG

ITBP Recruitment Case: Punjab & Haryana High Court Affirms Disqualification of Applicant with Tattoo on Right Forearm
ITBP Recruitment Case: Punjab & Haryana High Court Affirms Disqualification of Applicant with Tattoo on Right Forearm
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Monu  Vs.  Union of India 2023:PHHC:107962 Coram HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE JAGMOHAN BANSAL DATE: 21.08.2023 FACTS: The essential details required

The High Court of Punjab & Haryana has approved police safeguarding for the individual responsible for overseeing the mosque that purportedly suffered damage during the Nuh-Gurugram turmoil.
The High Court of Punjab & Haryana has approved police safeguarding for the individual responsible for overseeing the mosque that purportedly suffered damage during the Nuh-Gurugram turmoil.
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Rasid Vs. State of Haryana Date of decision: 22.08.2023 2023:PHHC: 108723 CORAM: Hon’ble Mr. ANOOP CHITKARA FACT: Out of concern for their pe

Delhi High Court Denies Bail in 498A/306 IPC Case Citing Extramarital Affair and Mental Torture
Delhi High Court Denies Bail in 498A/306 IPC Case Citing Extramarital Affair and Mental Torture
August 23, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title:  SAGAR Vs THE STATE (GOVT. OF NCT) Decided on:  11th August, 2023 +  BAIL APPLN. 1968/2023 CORAM: HON’BLE MS. JUSTICE SWARANA KANT