Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Submission of supplementary charge sheet after 180 days no ground for granting bail: High Court of Delhi
March 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

If a supplementary charge sheet is submitted beyond the statutory provision of 180 days due to procedural delay by expert bodies like the forensic

An analysis on the use of Judicial activism in statutory interpretation
March 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Introduction Statutory interpretation is the process by which the courts apply legislation by interpreting a statute. Often an interpretation is ne

Intermediate Quantity- the thoroughness of Section 37 of the Act not to be Applicable: High Court of Shimla
Intermediate Quantity- the thoroughness of Section 37 of the Act not to be Applicable: High Court of Shimla
March 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The quantity of Spasmo Proxyvon Plus Capsules containing Tramadol Hydrochloride allegedly recovered weighed 48.288 grams, which falls in ‘interme

The Object of Bail is Neither Punitive nor Preventative but to Secure the Appearance of the Accused Person at his Trial: High Court of Shimla
March 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The object of the bail is to secure the attendance of the accused in the trial and the proper test to be applied in the solution of the question wh

The plenitude of the power under Section 482 CrPC makes it obligatory for the High Court to exercise the same with utmost care and caution: High Court of Delhi.
March 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The width and the nature of the power itself demands that the High Court’s exercise of power is  sparing and only in cases where the Court is, f

A service related  claim presented 35 years after the applicant left the organisation cannot at all be entertained: High Court of Delhi
A service related claim presented 35 years after the applicant left the organisation cannot at all be entertained: High Court of Delhi
March 23, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Where a service related claim is based on a continuing wrong, relief can be granted even if there is a long delay in seeking remedy, with reference

Court can’t deny eviction of tenant without a bona fide need: High Court of Delhi
March 22, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The presence of an alternate land that can be used for accommodation by the landlord cannot by itself be a ground for denying a suit of eviction ag

Reliable testimony a must for establishing ‘Standard of proof: High court of Delhi
March 22, 2021by Primelegal Team0

When any government agency uses the testimony of the officers to convict someone of carrying prohibited drugs, such testimonies cannot be inconsist

Compromised Inter se- No Fruitful Purpose to be served in Continuing the Criminal Proceedings: High Court of Shimla
March 22, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Keeping in view that the matter compromised inter-se them, the possibility of conviction is remote and no fruitful purpose would be served in conti

Needful to be done within the Stipulated Time frame: High court of Shimla
March 22, 2021by Primelegal Team0

To ensure timely compliance ordered if needful is not done within the said period, respondent would be entitled to 9% interest and it has no specif