The court should exercise its writ jurisdiction and invoke its powers of judicial review, so as to set at naught the perverse and illegal order pas
The court should exercise its writ jurisdiction and invoke its powers of judicial review, so as to set at naught the perverse and illegal order pas
The rule of evidence before the civil proceedings is that the onus would lie on the person who would fail if no evidence is led by the other side a
Government cannot refuse to reimburse the expenditure of medical treatment to an individual on the basis that he/she failed to obtain a prior refer
The Court refused to grant the benefit of the Moratorium Policy to the petitioner on the grounds that they approached the court late and only when
Taking into consideration all facts including that no material is available on record to indicate that the appellant has any criminal antecedents a
Once it is established that the order under Section 263 was made/passed within the period of two years from the end of the financial year, such an
The last pay certificate of the deceased placed on record by the appellants is eligible to be considered as proof of income of the deceased. This w
Right to seek maintenance by the wife from her husband is a statutory right and this right is guaranteed under Section 488 Cr.P.C. Right to get mai
No application for amendment shall be allowed after the trial has commenced unless the court comes to the conclusion that in spite of due diligence
In a high profile matter concerning Rhea Chakraborty, (the appellant) and released her on bail after applying stringent restrictions upon her. The