Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Delhi High Court allowed the writ petition filed and dismissed the order passed by the Container Corporation of India Ltd.

Title: Loadstar Equipment Ltd. Vs Container Corporation of India Ltd. Decision: 04.07.23 W.P.(C) 5040/2023 & CM APPL. 19721/2023 CORAM: HONR

The Writ Court can never adjudicate the issues on the basis of documents Says Madras High Court.
The Writ Court can never adjudicate the issues on the basis of documents Says Madras High Court.
June 30, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title:   Sulthan Beevi.                                               … Petitioner   

Madras High Court grants One week ordinary leave to the convict prisoner.
Madras High Court grants One week ordinary leave to the convict prisoner.
June 20, 2023by Primelegal Team0

CASE TITLE: Saranya Vs. The Deputy Inspector General of Prison, Chennai Range, Chennai and The Superintendent of Prison, Central Prison, Puzhal, Ch