Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Supreme Court overturns UCO Bank’s verdict in favor of PHR Invent Educational Society in landmark sanative Petition ruling.
April 18, 2024by Primelegal Team0


Landmark Criminal Appeal Decision: Supreme Court Reverses Verdict, Declares Four Guilty in Support of Chhattisgarh State.
April 18, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title – RAVISHANKAR TANDON Vs. STATE OF CHHATTISGARH (2024 INSC 299) Case Number – Criminal Appeal No.- 003869-003869 / 2023 Dated on

“Fatal Grapple: The Daylight Murder where the Supreme Court upholds S. 302 of the IPC in a heartbreaking case.”
April 18, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Chandan v. The State (Delhi Admn)  Case No.: Criminal Appeal No.788 OF 2012  Dated: April, 2024  Quorum: Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia an

“Supreme Court relieves DMRC of hefty arbitral award to DAMEPL in a Curative Petition.”
April 18, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Chandan v. The State (Delhi Admn)  Case No.: Criminal Appeal No.788 OF 2012  Dated: April, 2024 Quorum: Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia and

“Supreme Court relieves DMRC of hefty arbitral award to DAMEPL in a Curative Petition.”
April 18, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. v. Delhi Airport Metro Express Pvt. Ltd Case No.: Curative Petition (C) No(s). 108-109 of 2022Dated:

“Even if a particular document is not disputed, the Court has the discretion to analyze the same in evidence”: SC
April 10, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case title:- Pankaj Singh Versus State of Harayana Case No:-CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1753/2023 Decided on:-March 21,2024 Quorum:- ABHAY S.OKA, J Facts of

“Even if a particular document is not disputed, the Court has the discretion to analyze the same in evidence”: SC
April 10, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case title:- Pankaj Singh Versus State of Harayana Case No:-CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1753/2023 Decided on:-March 21,2024 Quorum:- ABHAY S.OKA, J Facts of

“Even if a particular document is not disputed, the Court has the discretion to analyze the same in evidence”: SC
“Even if a particular document is not disputed, the Court has the discretion to analyze the same in evidence”: SC
April 9, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case title:- Pankaj Singh Versus State of Harayana Case No:-CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1753/2023 Decided on:-March 21,2024 Quorum:- ABHAY S.OKA, J Facts of

The Plaintiff acting in Good-faith is entitled to the Exclusion of Time Period under Section 14 of the Limitation Act while computing Limitation before the Court of competent jurisdiction: Supreme Court
April 5, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case title: Purni Devi & Anr. Vs Babu Ram & Anr. Case no.: Special Leave Petition (Civil) No.17665 of 2018 Decision on: April 2nd, 2024 Quo

A Stricter Approach is required to be taken in granting Bail to Police in Custodial Death Cases: Supreme Court
March 29, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case title: Ajay Kumar Yadav Vs The State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors Case no.: SLP (Crl.) No.9816/2023 Decision on: March 12th, 2024 Quoram: Justic