Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
The Karnataka High Court Ruled Section 125 Of The Crpc Does Not Necessitate A Wife To Demonstrate A ‘Valid Reason For Living Apart’ From Her Husband.
The Karnataka High Court Ruled Section 125 Of The Crpc Does Not Necessitate A Wife To Demonstrate A ‘Valid Reason For Living Apart’ From Her Husband.
August 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Smt. Renuka & Ors. v Sri Venkatesh Case No: RPFC No. 100033/2020 Date of Order: 31-07-2023 CORAM : HON’BLE JUSTICE C M POONACHA INTR

The right to sue does not devolve to the legal heirs of deceased appellant in the appeal for enhancement of maintenance under the Hindu Adoption And Maintenance Act: Bombay High Court
The right to sue does not devolve to the legal heirs of deceased appellant in the appeal for enhancement of maintenance under the Hindu Adoption And Maintenance Act: Bombay High Court
August 4, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Jayshree @ Pushpa and Anr. v. Satyendra Decided on: 18th JULY, 2023 + FAMILY COURT APPEAL NO. 35 OF 2021 CORAM: RAVINDRA V. GHUGE, & Y.

Even if Marriage is illegal Wife is Entitled to Maintenance Under Section 125 CrPC Says Madras High Court.
Even if Marriage is illegal Wife is Entitled to Maintenance Under Section 125 CrPC Says Madras High Court.
July 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title:   Loyola Selva Kumar                  Versus             Sharon Nisha  Date of Decision: Reserved on: 20.04.2023      

The Delhi High Court has ruled that the deposit of arrears cannot be made a condition for the granting of a stay on an interim maintenance order under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The Delhi High Court has ruled that the deposit of arrears cannot be made a condition for the granting of a stay on an interim maintenance order under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
June 13, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: RS v. MB CRL.M.C. 4349/2023 & CRL.M.A. 16345/2023 Decision delivered on:07.06.2023 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE GIRISH KATHPALIA Int