Title: A. Rajinikanth Vs. Secretary to Government School Education Department. Decided On: September 14, 2023. WP.No.10601/2018. Coram: Hon’ble
Title: A. Rajinikanth Vs. Secretary to Government School Education Department. Decided On: September 14, 2023. WP.No.10601/2018. Coram: Hon’ble
Title: M. Navaneetha Krishnan Vs. The Chairman, Tamil Nadu Uniform Services Recruitment Board. Decided On: September 14, 2023. W.A.(MD)No.1351 of
Title: R. Geethalakshmi Vs. The Tamil Nadu State. Decided On: September 13, 2023. W.P.(MD)No.18184 of 2021 and W.M.P.(MD)No.15013 of 2021. Coram
Title: Dr. Pratheeksha Vs. The National Board of Examination. Decided On: September 11, 2023. W.P.No. 26731 of 2023. Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice
Title: S. Gunasekaran Vs. The Superintendent of Police. Decided On: September 12, 2023. W.P.No. 18423 of 2013. Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice G.K. I
TITLE: C. Sivaraja Vs. The Superintendent of Police. Decided On: September 11, 2023. Writ Petition (MD) No.18635 of 2021. CORAM: Hon’ble Mr. J
TITLE: K. Prabhu Vs. G. Reghukumaran. Decided On: September 11, 2023. C.R.P.(MD)No.535 of 2014 and M.P.(MD)Nos.1 and 2 of 2014. CORAM:
TITLE: NACOF Vs. NLC India Limited. Decided On: September 11, 2023. Arb.O.P.(Com.Div) No.302 of 2023 and O.A. No.267 of 2023. CORAM: Ho
TITLE: P. Selvan Vs. T.N. Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd. Decided On: September 11, 2023. W.P.No.17896 of 2023 and W.M.P.No.17016 of
TITLE: Pratik Vs. The State Represented by, The Inspector of Police. Decided On: September 7, 2023. Crl.O.P No.19648 of 2023. CORAM: Hon’ble M