Title: Mohd Nasim vs. The State Citation: CRL.REV.P.296/2017 Coram: HON’BLE DR. JUSTICE SUDHIR KUMAR JAIN Decided on: 3-11-2023 Introductio
Title: Mohd Nasim vs. The State Citation: CRL.REV.P.296/2017 Coram: HON’BLE DR. JUSTICE SUDHIR KUMAR JAIN Decided on: 3-11-2023 Introductio
Title: Jaymanti Devi vs. The State of Bihar & ORS. Citation: Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No:6338 of 2023 Coram: HONA’BLE MR. JUSTICE PURNE
High Court of Bombay Observed System Default is the standard excuse given by the Department when it comes to giving refunds. Title : Matrix Publi
High Court of Bombay on Bata’s status of such salesman as ‘workman’ under the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 and consequently as ‘employee
Title: Pankaj Ravjibhai Patel Trading as Rakesh Pharmaceuticals v. SSS Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd. Decided on: 02nd November, 2023 + FAO (COMM) 98/2023 CO
Coram : Chief Justice Sanjeev Narula Order date : 17th October, 2023 Introduction : A PIL was filed in the hon’ble Delhi Hig
Title: Gulab Singh vs State Of Haryana & Another Citation: CRM-M-52639-2023 Corum: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE SANDEEP MOUDGIL Decided on: 17.10.2023