Citation: CWJC No.4833 of 2020 Decided On: 16-10-2023 Coram: Honourable The Chief Justice And Honourable Mr. Justice Rajiv Roy Introduction: The pe
Citation: CWJC No.4833 of 2020 Decided On: 16-10-2023 Coram: Honourable The Chief Justice And Honourable Mr. Justice Rajiv Roy Introduction: The pe
Citation: L.P.A No.534 of 2021 Decided on: 10-10-2023 Coram: Honourable The Chief Justice And Honourable Mr. Justice Rajiv Roy Introduction: The pr
Title: Rameshwar Prasad Roy v State of Bihar and ors Citation: CWJC No. 21787 of 2011 Coram: Justice Rajiv Roy Decided On: 09-10-2023 Introduct
The historical and cultural context of same-sex marriage in India: The historical and cultural context of same-sex marriage in India is vastly di
Title: Sushil Kumar v State of Himachal Pradesh Citation: Cr.MPM No. 2705 of 2023 Coram: Hon’ble Mr Justice Rakesh Kainthla Decided On: 9th Novem
Title: Dhanna Sahu v Smt. Sitabai Sahu Citation: 2023:CGHC:28158-DB Coram: Justice Shri Goutam Bhaduri & Justice Shri Deepak Kumar Tiwari Decid
Title: Madan v State of Uttar Pradesh Citation: Criminal Appeal No. 1790 Of 2017 Coram: Justice B.R. Gavai Decided On: November 09, 2023. Intro
Title: Anil Goel v Union of India & Anr. Citation: Criminal Revision Application No.183 Of 2023 Coram: Justice Bharati Dangre Decided On: 25th
Title: Riddhima Singh V Central Board Of Secondary Education & Ors. Citation: LPA 729/2023 Coram: Hon’ble The Chief Justice And Hon’
Title: Binod Kumar v State of Bihar Citation: CWJC No.15688 of 2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice P. B. Bajanthri And Honourable Mr. Justice Ramesh