Madras High Court Asks Centre to Reconsider Enhancing Retirement Age Of Coast Guard Staff To 60 Years For All Ranks. Title : Lakshmichandra Harishc
Madras High Court Asks Centre to Reconsider Enhancing Retirement Age Of Coast Guard Staff To 60 Years For All Ranks. Title : Lakshmichandra Harishc
Title: Shambhu Lal vs Union Of India Citation: D.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 14655/2022 Coram: HON’BLE THE ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE MR. MANINDRA M
Title: Secretary Administration Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited vs Rashtriya Bijali Karmachari Union (INTUC) Rajasthan Citation: S.
Madras High Court regarding the issue Person in Unauthorised Occupation Of Land Cannot Claim Protection Under Article 19, 21 If Eviction As Per Law
Citation: CWJC No.4833 of 2020 Decided On: 16-10-2023 Coram: Honourable The Chief Justice And Honourable Mr. Justice Rajiv Roy Introduction: The pe
Citation: L.P.A No.534 of 2021 Decided on: 10-10-2023 Coram: Honourable The Chief Justice And Honourable Mr. Justice Rajiv Roy Introduction: The pr
High Court of Madras decision on the order in of the case dated 05.01.2023 passed by the Sessions Court for Exclusive Trial of Bomb Blast Cases.
High Court of Madras regarding issuance of Writ of Certiorarified Mandamus, calling for the records of the case in DIN. Title : Duraiswamy Kumarasw
Human trafficking and human displacement Abstract Most people agree that the practice of placing or keeping someone in an abusive position to profi
Citation: Criminal Appeal No. – 2899 of 2003 Coram: Hon’ble Ashwani Kumar Mishra & Hon’ble Syed Aftab Husain Rizvi Decided on