Title: Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Vs. State of Tamil Nadu. Decided On: September 19, 2023. W.P.No.20312 of 2020 and W.M.P.No.25096 of 2
Title: Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Vs. State of Tamil Nadu. Decided On: September 19, 2023. W.P.No.20312 of 2020 and W.M.P.No.25096 of 2
TITLE: M.Rajendran and Ors Vs. The Secretary to Government and Ors. Decided On: July 12, 2023 W.P.No.6677 of 2010 and M.P.No.2 of 2010 CORAM
Case Title: Agri-Horticultural Society … Petitioner