Case Name: Jay Switches India Pvt Ltd. Vs Sandhar Technologies Ltd. & Ors. Case Number: Civil Suit (Commercial) 301 of 2023 Date: 02nd Dece
Case Name: Jay Switches India Pvt Ltd. Vs Sandhar Technologies Ltd. & Ors. Case Number: Civil Suit (Commercial) 301 of 2023 Date: 02nd Dece
ABSTRACT Agriculture is an area where IPR had not been concentrated for a long time. With government taking a step back from promoting agricultur
Abstract The legal landscape of intellectual property (IP) is complex, particularly when it comes to the protection of popular comic book character
Introduction In this day of rapid technological progress and globalization, the protection of intellectual property rights and the preservation of
Abstract: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) play a crucial role in protecting the creative works of individuals and entities within the film indus
Title: ITC Limited Virginia House v Britannia Industries Ltd. Citation: O.S.A.(CAD).Nos.134 to 138 of 2023 Coram: The Hon’ble Mr.Sanjay V.Gan
Title: Pankaj Ravjibhai Patel Trading as Rakesh Pharmaceuticals v. SSS Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd. Decided on: 02nd November, 2023 + FAO (COMM) 98/2023 CO
What is a Patent: A patent is an exclusive right regarding a invention or process granted by a sovereign authority for a specified period of time.
ABSTRACT Over time, ADR strategies have gained widespread acceptance and practical use in the business and corporate world. These days, arbitration
Introduction The covid-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to the world of wor