Title: MOHD. AMAAN MALIK vs THE STATE GOVT NCT OF DELHI & ANR. Reserved on:29.05.2023 Pronounced on:05.07.2023 + CRL.M.C. 7121/2022 & CRL.M
Title: MOHD. AMAAN MALIK vs THE STATE GOVT NCT OF DELHI & ANR. Reserved on:29.05.2023 Pronounced on:05.07.2023 + CRL.M.C. 7121/2022 & CRL.M
The death of a person in custody violates the basic rights of the citizens recognized by the Constitution of India. Typically, it is difficult to s
Govindbhai Arjanbhai Divani … vs State Of Gujarat 12 June, 2023 Bench: Sandeep N. Bhatt R/CRIMINAL MISC.APPLICATION NO. 7868 of 2021 Facts
TITLE: Arjun and Others v State of Haryana & Chaman v State of Haryana Decided On-: June 7, 2023 CRA-S-1134-SB-2008 (O&M) and CRR-2263-20
Title: Shah Alam vs State Govt. of NCT Delhi Reserved: 01.06.2023 Pronounced: 07.06.2023 BAIL APPLN. 1033/2023 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE VIKAS M
Case Title: Babu Lal Bhawariya v. State of NCT Delhi Date of decision: 19th June 2023 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE ANUP JAIRAM BHAMBHANI + BAIL A
INTRODUCTION The High Court of Bombay: Aurangabad Bench passed a judgement on 06 June 2023. In the case of KAILASH BABURAO MAIND Vs THE STATE OF
Facts of the case Malvinder Mohan Singh, the former promoter of Religare Enterprises Limited, has been granted bail by the Delhi High Court. FIR No
Introduction Senior Advocate Siddharth Aggarwal with Advocate Nipun Katyal Chaitanya appeared in the case of Vipin Mittal v NIA on 30th May 2023
Ashwinbhai Mansukhbhai vs State Of Gujarat Bench: Honourable Justice Ilesh J. Vora R/CRIMINALMISC.APPLICATION NO. 2749of 2021 JUDGMENT DATED: 24/05