The High Court of Delhi , through learned judges, Justice Subramonium Prasad and Chief Justice in the case of Sanser Pal Singh v UOI and Ors (W.P.(C) 10539/2022) heard a petition that alleged that 53,000 Delhi Police officials draw cycle maintenance allowance without using cycle.
BRIEF FACTS: The petition alleged that 53,000 Delhi Police officials in Delhi draw cycle maintenance allowance without using cycle. Advocate Sanser Pal Singh who filed the petition sought an inquiry into the matter. He alleged that almost no officer was using cycles for transportation but they drew the maintenance allowance which amounted to nearly ₹11 crore annually. He also stated that he had initially filed a complaint with the Police Commissioner but to no avail.
FINDINGS OF THE COURT: Mr. Anil Soni, learned CGSC for Respondent No.1 and Ms. Sanjana Nangia, learned counsel appearing on behalf of Mr. Sameer Vashisht, learned ASC for Respondent Nos. 2 & 3 prayed for some time to get instructions in the matter. The court granted them six weeks’ time in this regard. The court remarked that, let a complete set of paperbook/documents be handed over to the learned counsel for the Respondents.
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