Fraudulent acts by the selection authorities that lead to deprivation of employment for the genuine candidates are considered as a criminal offence
Fraudulent acts by the selection authorities that lead to deprivation of employment for the genuine candidates are considered as a criminal offence
Sole Testimony of the rape victim is enough for holding the accused liable for rape, however, the prosecutrix have to prove evidence beyond reasona
The records maintained by the Police during the course of their investigation cannot really be considered as substantive evidence and cannot be tak
Given the seriousness of the crime committed by the appellant and all of the facts and circumstances of the case, we see no reason to be generous t
Since the disputed bank account connection was found to be beyond jurisdiction, the petitioner’s ownership of an alternate remedy in the form
When compromise deed is signed then, even if, the trial is allowed to be continued, there are bleak chances of conviction to secure the ends of jus
Even if statement of complainant is taken to be true as it is then also, there is no iota of substance in the said statement so as to construe inte
A fair reading of the FIR will demonstrate that, as far as the plaintiff is concerned, the charges are ambiguous, non-specific, and fail to reveal
Constitutional Courts will judicially review matters of overwhelming Public Interest only when the administration is mala fide or the decision is a
The allegation made in the writ petition is vague and ambiguous as to the lapses in the investigation. If the petitioner had pointed out something