Daily wagers have no fundamental right to be absorbed in service as they cannot be said to be holders of a post, since, a regular appointment could
Daily wagers have no fundamental right to be absorbed in service as they cannot be said to be holders of a post, since, a regular appointment could
In case of highly defective investigation in case law is well settled. Defect in the investigation by itself cannot be a ground for acquittal. Wher
Until the other party has fulfilled his or her duties under the arrangement, a spouse’s unilateral withdrawal of consent from a joint petitio
The entire perspective with which the matter regarding the right of the subsequent purchaser to challenge the readiness and willingness on part of
Adjudicatory authorities like Labour Courts instituted under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1948 are not bound by the technical rules of procedure un
In exercise of its power of superintendence High Court cannot interfere to correct mere errors of law or fact or just because another view than the
In matter pertaining to the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), if sufficient cause is not provided for the absence during the hearing summons then the cou
It has been repeatedly held that if government employees sleep on their rights and are not alert, the Court cannot come to their aid/rescue and off
Failure to state an offence in all the person is culpable to, regardless of its inclusion in the charging documents, would not exclude the courts f
Such contract is void and the Court will take notice of that and ignore such an agreement even though it was made by consent. The wife cannot barte