The petitioner was arrested under sections 341 IPC, “Punishment for wrongful restraint”, section 353 “Assault or criminal force to deter publ
The petitioner was arrested under sections 341 IPC, “Punishment for wrongful restraint”, section 353 “Assault or criminal force to deter publ
Courts are not allowed to issue orders on a sympathetic basis when the said parties are involved in activities that are illegal and such an activit
Judicial Magistrate First Class directing to review/ recall a summon is not permissible under the Cr.P.C. as remedy lies against the said order is
Every individual is free to approach the court. A single judge bench comprising Hon’ble Justice Ravindra Maithani, in the matter of Ashish Pokhri
The Court need not conduct detailed examinations before granting or rejecting a bail petition, it must be done on the basis on prima facie indicati
Courts are expected to exercise judicial restraint in interfering with the administrative action, particularly in the matter of tender or contract.
Subsequent events are required to be considered by the courts in order to shorten the litigation, to preserve and safeguard the rights of both part
Every crypto-token or altcoin has one thing in common. They break down the geographical impediment of finding investors by holding the token offeri
If a tenant claims that he is entitled to possession of a Secured Asset for a term of more than a year, it has to be supported by the execution of
There cannot be a fixed formula that the prosecution has to prove or need not prove that the blood group matches. However, the judicial conscience