Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
The 1962 Customs Act’s Section 130 Punjab High Court dismissed the appeal for lack of merit.
The 1962 Customs Act’s Section 130 Punjab High Court dismissed the appeal for lack of merit.

TITLE: Commissioner of Customs, Ludhiana v M/s Jindal Drugs Ltd. Decided On-: 24.05.2023 CUSAP No.5 of 2019 (O&M) CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Ms.

No prior criminal conviction of the accused, bail granted by Punjab High Court
No prior criminal conviction of the accused, bail granted by Punjab High Court

TITLE: Beant Singh v State of Punjab Decided On-:  19.06.2023 CRM-M-28618-2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr.  Pankaj Jain INTRODUCTION – It is a

S.123 Representation Of People Act | Mere Allegation Without Any Cogent Documentary Evidence Does Not Constitute ‘Corrupt Practise’: Rajasthan High Court
S.123 Representation Of People Act | Mere Allegation Without Any Cogent Documentary Evidence Does Not Constitute ‘Corrupt Practise’: Rajasthan High Court

Case Title: Mahaveer Prasad Pareek @ Tiwari vs Rampratap Kaslaniya & Ors S.B. Election Petition No. 4/2019 Case No.: S.B. Election Petition No.

The Gujarat High Court granted the petitioners’ request to quash the FIR and charge sheet, as the allegations of copyright and trademark infringement were deemed baseless and not applicable.

Case- State Of Gujarat vs Kantilal Narshibhai Bhimani   (R/CR.MA/1239/2019) Decided on: 23rd June 2023 CORAM: HON’BLE Justice Hemant M. Pra

Petitioner appeal that the arrest warrant so issued against the petitioner may be converted into bailable warrant: HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN AT JODHPUR
Petitioner appeal that the arrest warrant so issued against the petitioner may be converted into bailable warrant: HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN AT JODHPUR

Case Title: Smt. Om Kanwar v. State of Rajasthan & Ors. Case No.: S.B. Criminal Misc(Pet.) No. 2120/2023 Decided on: 01/05/2023 Coram: HON̵

Man who has reportedly called Modi, ‘A virus who requires an urgent antidote’ has been granted interim relief by the Allahabad High Court.
Man who has reportedly called Modi, ‘A virus who requires an urgent antidote’ has been granted interim relief by the Allahabad High Court.

Title: Mohd. Farhan vs. State Of U.P. And 3 Others  Decided on: 12th June, 2023. CRIMINAL MISC. WRIT PETITION No. – 5740 of 2023 CORAM: Hon&

Allahabad High Court rules that an intra-court appeal against a single judge’s decision not to pursue contempt proceedings cannot be maintained.
Allahabad High Court rules that an intra-court appeal against a single judge’s decision not to pursue contempt proceedings cannot be maintained.

Title: Vinod Kumar Gupta And Another vs. Sri Veer Bahadur Yadav, S.D.M. And Another  Decided on: 9th May, 2023. [SPECIAL APPEAL No. – 234 of

The Government has to protect the property in the interest of public Says Madras High Court.
The Government has to protect the property in the interest of public Says Madras High Court.

Case Title:  Agri-Horticultural Society             … Petitioner                                   Â

Madras High Court Directs the Agricultural Department to pay all retirement benefits to its Employee.
Madras High Court Directs the Agricultural Department to pay all retirement benefits to its Employee.

Case Title:       M. Sivaraju                                              … Petitioner  Â

Delhi High Court dismissed the Regular First appeal filed, seeking partition of the property.

Title: Smt. Sarita Dua vs Dr. Gautam Dev Sood & Ors. Reserved on: 14.03.23 Pronounced on: 04.07.23 + RFA(OS) 27/2022 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTI