Case Title: Adarsh Vidya Mandir Society vs. State of Rajasthan and Others Date of Decision: 24 August, 2023 S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 1478/2000
Case Title: Adarsh Vidya Mandir Society vs. State of Rajasthan and Others Date of Decision: 24 August, 2023 S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 1478/2000
Title: Sumer Singh vs. The Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. & Others Date: September 4, 2023 Case No.: S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 12194/2023
TITLE: R. Suguna Vs. The State of Tamil Nadu Decided On: August 30, 2023. W.P.Nos.33567 to 33569 of 2012 and MP.Nos.2 to 2 of 2012. CORAM: H
TITLE: Adlin Mirudhula Vs. T.N. State Transport Corporation. Decided On: August 30, 2023. Writ Petition No.1688 of 2021 CORAM: Hon’ble Mr.
The Bombay High Court grants bail to accused charged with murder due to prima facie lack of evidence in the form of DNA report and hardcore evidenc
The Bombay High Court at Goa demands review regarding tenancy of the suit premises Title: Bertalinha Lourenco v. John Lourenco Decided on: July 10,
Case Title: The State Govt of NCT of Delhi v. Babita & Ors Date of Decision: 04.09.2023 Case Number: CRL.REV.P. 267/2018 & CRL.M.A.
Case Title: Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. v. MS Shree International & Ors. Date of Decision: 04.09.2023 Case Number: ARB.P. 969/2022
Getting married is a beautiful milestone in one’s life, and court marriage provides a simple and efficient way to legalize a union. If you ar
Title: M/s Compuage Infocom Limited v. The Assistant Commissioner Decided on: 30th May, 2023 S.B. Sales Tax Revision / Reference No. 182/2017 CORAM