Bombay High Court Goa allows change of jurisdiction to allow petitioner’s convenience Title: Devika Wadkar v. Venancio Pereira Decided on: August
Bombay High Court Goa allows change of jurisdiction to allow petitioner’s convenience Title: Devika Wadkar v. Venancio Pereira Decided on: August
Title: C. Sekar and Others. Vs. Union of India. Decided On: September 19, 2023. W.P.No.15918 of 2019. Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice D. Krishnaku
Title: V. Priyadharsan. Vs. The Government of Tamil Nadu. Decided On: September 19, 2023. W.P.No.1563 of 2020. Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice Batt
Title: V. Radhakrishnan. Vs. The State. Decided On: September 19, 2023. Crl.A.No.627 of 2016. Coram: Hon’ble Dr. Justice G. Jayachandran. Fact
Title: Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Vs. State of Tamil Nadu. Decided On: September 19, 2023. W.P.No.20312 of 2020 and W.M.P.No.25096 of 2
Case Title: National Highways Authority of India v. D S Toll Roads Pvt. Ltd. Date of Decision: 19/09/2023 Case Number: O.M.P. (COMM.) 546/2016
Case Title: DLF Limited v. PNB Housing Finance Limited & Ors. Date of Decision: September 18, 2023 Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice Manoj K
Bombay High Court at Goa sets aside order going against natural principles of justice by not giving an opportunity to the petitioner to argue his
Bombay High Court Goa assesses the evidentiary value of attorney’s testimony in case Title: Ramchandra v. Vijaya Educational Trust Decided on: Au
Bombay High Court at Goa sets aside order for violation of natural principles of justice by not taking into consideration the delay caused due to