Title: Divya v. Union of India, Vimlok Tiwari v. UPSC, Ved Prakash Singh v. UPSC Decided on: 9th october 2023 Coram: Justices JK Maheshwari and
Title: Divya v. Union of India, Vimlok Tiwari v. UPSC, Ved Prakash Singh v. UPSC Decided on: 9th october 2023 Coram: Justices JK Maheshwari and
Title : Central Bureau of Investigation v. The State Of West Bengal Another Decided on October 09, 2023. Diary No. 35059/2023. CORUM: HON’BLE J
Title: Mohammed Nadeem v. Smt. Tabassum Decided on October 4, 2023. Criminal revision No. 03677 of 2022 CORUM: HON’BLE JUSTICE NARAYAN SINGH I
Title: State v. Salman & Ors. Decided on: 7th october 2023 I.A. No. 06- 2023 (Shahrukh Pathan @ Khan) SC No. 100-2021 FIR No. 49/20 Coram
TITLE- Kirtalbhai Chaganbhai Rathva Versus State of Gujarat Decided On September 21, 2023 15182 of 2023 INTRODUCTION- The applicant accused has ask
TITLE Hathiyabhai Dudhabhai Khunti Versus State of Gujarat Decided On September 21, 2023 6544 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr Hasmukh
Introduction Domestic violence or abuse against children is developing at a disturbing rate across the globe. This phenomenon poses risk agains
TITLE Chirag Prafulkumar Patel Versus State of Gujarat Decided On September 21, 2023 2119 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr Hasmukh INTRODUCTIO
TITLE Chirag Mahendrabhai Patel Versus State of Gujarat Decided On September 21, 2023 10512 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Mr Hasmukh INTRODUCT
Introduction Everyone would face insults and humiliations in life, But nobody wants to remember those. We all try to forget it and motivate our