Title: G.K.Reddy Versus DCIT Citation: WP(C) NO.35727 OF 2019 Decided on: 19th Of October 2023 Introduction: Petition is to issue a writ of cer
Title: G.K.Reddy Versus DCIT Citation: WP(C) NO.35727 OF 2019 Decided on: 19th Of October 2023 Introduction: Petition is to issue a writ of cer
Citation: FAO NO. 331 OF 2011 Coram: THE HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE BASANT BALAJI Decided on: 3RD DAY OF OCTOBER 2023 Introduction: The plaintiff in O.S
Title: M/s Jayapradha Cine Theatre v. Employees State Insurance Corporation Crl. O.P.No.22258 of 2023 & batch Decided on: 20th October, 2023 CO
Title: G.K.Reddy Versus DCIT Decided on: 5th October, 2023 W.A.No.2393 of 2023 and C.M.P.Nos.20131 & 20133 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justices R.
Title: Pravat Kumar Padhi & Ors. v. State of Odisha & Ors. Decided on: October 19, 2023 Writ C No. – 21030 of 2023 CORAM: Acting Ch
Title: Kapil v. State of Haryana and others. Decided on: October 17, 2023 Writ C No. – 7247-2023(O&M) CORAM: Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Lisa
Title: S v. D & connected matter Decided on: 18, September 2023 Writ C No. – 148/2014 CORAM: The Honorable Mr. Justice Anil. K. Narendran
Title: Hema Anil v State of Kerala. Decided on: 18th, October 2023 Writ C No. – 23660 Of 2023 CORAM: The Honorable Mr. Justice Bechu Kurian T
Title: Barakathullah and Others v Union of India Citation: CRLA.Nos.98, 114 & 116/2023 Decided on: 19.10.2023 Coram: Justice SS Sundar and Just
Title: Vodafone Idea Limited Versus Union Of India & Ors. Citation: W.P.(C) No.2472/2023, CM Nos.9473/2023, 9474/2023 & 51283/2023 Decided