Citation: WP No. 20801 Of 2022 Coram: Hon’ble Mr Justice M.Nagaprasanna Decided On: 25th Day Of October, 2023 Introduction: This writ petitio
Citation: WP No. 20801 Of 2022 Coram: Hon’ble Mr Justice M.Nagaprasanna Decided On: 25th Day Of October, 2023 Introduction: This writ petitio
Title: Riddhima Singh V Central Board Of Secondary Education & Ors. Citation: LPA 729/2023 Coram: Hon’ble The Chief Justice And Hon’
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Case Title: Rashmee Kansal v. The State and Anr., W.P.(CRL) 712/2022 Appearance Petitioner: Mr. Sunil K. Mittal, Mr. Kshitij Mittal, Mr. Anshul Mit
The Delhi High Court Dismissed the appeal and impugned order and direct reinstatement of respondents against existing vacancies. Title-Manag
The Supreme Court Reject the writ petition stating that it was lacking in merit stand, as the qualification cannot be given a gobye on any c
“In The field of Health Care and pharmacy ,diagnostics ,etc. confusion has to be avoided” –The High court of Delhi Title-Max h
“The allegation made content of FIR are considered to be true at its face value even then the offence registered against the petitioner is
Title: Pratap Singh Bist v. The Director, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT Delhi & Ors. Decided on: 03 November, 2023 + Diary No. 41779/2
Title: Thankamma Baby v. The Regional Provident Fund Commissioner Decided on: 07 November, 2023 + Civil Appeal No. 4619 of 2010 CORAM: Hon’ble Ju