Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Kerala High Court put a stop to the Public Service Commission from changing its mind, and permitted entry to candidates with higher qualifications after opposing it
Kerala High Court put a stop to the Public Service Commission from changing its mind, and permitted entry to candidates with higher qualifications after opposing it
November 4, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Counsel for the Petitioners in WP(C) NO. 19463 OF 2023: Advocates Kaleeswaram Raj, Thulasi K. Raj, Aparna Narayan Menon, Chinnu Maria Antony Counse

Postponement takes upshot from the date of such order in flow, non-full filled to review  it in 90 days: Gauhati High Court
Postponement takes upshot from the date of such order in flow, non-full filled to review it in 90 days: Gauhati High Court
November 4, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case No. : WP(C)/1074/2023 Case Title: Sri Vinay Kumar Singh v. The Union of India & 5 Ors. Introduction The High Court in command a short time

“Sessions court is not empowered to extend tenure of imprisonment beyond what is provided in the statute”:The high court of Judicature At Bombay
November 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

“Sessions court is not empowered to extend tenure of imprisonment beyond what is provided in the statute”:The high court of Judicature

The Supreme Court Dismissed The Writ Petition For Resolution Of Dispute In Connection With Election To The Managing Committee Of Any Society, Not come under the jurisdiction of Article 226 Of The Constitution Of India
November 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

  The Supreme Court Dismissed The Writ Petition For  Resolution Of Dispute In Connection With Election To The Managing Committee Of Any Socie

The Delhi High Court held that the competent court can examine valuation of IPR suits less than 3 lakh rupees transfer to the commercial courts is not required
The Delhi High Court held that the competent court can examine valuation of IPR suits less than 3 lakh rupees transfer to the commercial courts is not required
November 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Pankaj Ravjibhai Patel Trading as Rakesh Pharmaceuticals v. SSS Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd. Decided on: 02nd November, 2023 + FAO (COMM) 98/2023 CO

There is no inherent deficiency in jurisdiction, and adjudication proceedings should not be interrupted within the realm of extraordinary writ jurisdiction: Allahabad High Court
There is no inherent deficiency in jurisdiction, and adjudication proceedings should not be interrupted within the realm of extraordinary writ jurisdiction: Allahabad High Court
November 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: M/S Bajrang Trading Company v. Commissioner Commercial Tax And Another Decided on: 27.10.2023 Citation: WRIT TAX No. – 1123 of 2023 Co

The Devaswom Commissioner’s decision to deny authorization for filming on the premises of the Vadakkunnathan Temple is valid: Kerala High Court
The Devaswom Commissioner’s decision to deny authorization for filming on the premises of the Vadakkunnathan Temple is valid: Kerala High Court
November 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Joseph George v. Cochin Devaswom Board & Ors. Citation: WP(C) NO.33334 OF 2023 Decided on: 27.10.2023 Coram: Justice Anil K. Narendran a

Taking Away Of A Minor By His/Her Father Can’t Amount To Kidnapping: High Court Of Bombay
Taking Away Of A Minor By His/Her Father Can’t Amount To Kidnapping: High Court Of Bombay
November 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Citation: Criminal Application No.552 Of 2023 Coram: Vinay Joshi And Valmiki Sa Menezes, Jj. Decided On: 06.10.2023. Introduction: This is an appli

No Other Consent Required If The Statutory Right To Reconstruction Is Established: High Of Bombay
No Other Consent Required If The Statutory Right To Reconstruction Is Established: High Of Bombay
November 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Chandralok People Welfare Association v. State of Maharashtra Coram : Gs Patel & Kamal Khata, Jj Dated : 18th October 2023 Introduction:

Dismissal of Petition, Leaving Room for Defense in Trial Court, On The Grounds of Citing Irrelevant Judgements: High Court of J&K
Dismissal of Petition, Leaving Room for Defense in Trial Court, On The Grounds of Citing Irrelevant Judgements: High Court of J&K
November 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: FAROOQ AHMAD LONE vs. STATE OF J&K & OTHERS Citation: OWP No.1448/2014 Coram: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJNESH OSWAL Decided on: 21.10.