Counsel for the Petitioners in WP(C) NO. 19463 OF 2023: Advocates Kaleeswaram Raj, Thulasi K. Raj, Aparna Narayan Menon, Chinnu Maria Antony Counse
Counsel for the Petitioners in WP(C) NO. 19463 OF 2023: Advocates Kaleeswaram Raj, Thulasi K. Raj, Aparna Narayan Menon, Chinnu Maria Antony Counse
Case No. : WP(C)/1074/2023 Case Title: Sri Vinay Kumar Singh v. The Union of India & 5 Ors. Introduction The High Court in command a short time
“Sessions court is not empowered to extend tenure of imprisonment beyond what is provided in the statute”:The high court of Judicature
The Supreme Court Dismissed The Writ Petition For Resolution Of Dispute In Connection With Election To The Managing Committee Of Any Socie
Title: Pankaj Ravjibhai Patel Trading as Rakesh Pharmaceuticals v. SSS Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd. Decided on: 02nd November, 2023 + FAO (COMM) 98/2023 CO
Title: M/S Bajrang Trading Company v. Commissioner Commercial Tax And Another Decided on: 27.10.2023 Citation: WRIT TAX No. – 1123 of 2023 Co
Title: Joseph George v. Cochin Devaswom Board & Ors. Citation: WP(C) NO.33334 OF 2023 Decided on: 27.10.2023 Coram: Justice Anil K. Narendran a
Citation: Criminal Application No.552 Of 2023 Coram: Vinay Joshi And Valmiki Sa Menezes, Jj. Decided On: 06.10.2023. Introduction: This is an appli
Title: Chandralok People Welfare Association v. State of Maharashtra Coram : Gs Patel & Kamal Khata, Jj Dated : 18th October 2023 Introduction:
Title: FAROOQ AHMAD LONE vs. STATE OF J&K & OTHERS Citation: OWP No.1448/2014 Coram: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJNESH OSWAL Decided on: 21.10.