Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
The High Court of Kerala held that the state VACB is incapable of handling international transactions and the court in command orders CBI Investigation- Scam by titanium company
The High Court of Kerala held that the state VACB is incapable of handling international transactions and the court in command orders CBI Investigation- Scam by titanium company
November 16, 2023by Primelegal Team0

WP(C) NO. 20903 OF 2020 Case title: S Jayan v State of Kerala Counsel for the petitioner: Advocates Suresh Babu Thomas, Nandagopal S.Kurup Counsel

High Court of Bombay decision  regarding the issue of improper sanction having been obtained has been raised.
High Court of Bombay decision regarding the issue of improper sanction having been obtained has been raised.
November 16, 2023by Primelegal Team0

High Court of Bombay decision  regarding the issue of improper sanction having been obtained has been raised. Title : Chandar Mahadev Naik v. Inco

The High court of Delhi held that it is improper for court to demand bank for guarantee when the implementation of award is not frustrated under Section 9 petition
The High court of Delhi held that it is improper for court to demand bank for guarantee when the implementation of award is not frustrated under Section 9 petition
November 16, 2023by Primelegal Team0

FAO(OS) (COMM) 29/2022 & CM APPL. 7026/2022 Case Title: Skypower Solar India Pvt Ltd v. Sterling and Wilson International FZE Appearance Counci

High Court Madaras observation on Certiorarified Mandamus  call for the records of the decision of the respondent GST Council’s Minutes of Meeting.
High Court Madaras observation on Certiorarified Mandamus call for the records of the decision of the respondent GST Council’s Minutes of Meeting.
November 16, 2023by Primelegal Team0

High Court Madras observation on Certiorarified Mandamus  call for the records of the decision of the respondent GST Council’s Minutes of Meetin

The Delhi High Court held that traveling overseas is not impeded by the vigilance inquiry’s pendency
The Delhi High Court held that traveling overseas is not impeded by the vigilance inquiry’s pendency
November 16, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Ruhi Arora v. Union of India and Ors. Decided on: 06 November, 2023 + W.P. (C) 14459/2023 CORAM: HON’BLE Justice Subramonium Prasad In

The Additional District and Sessions Judge Ernakulam Court awarded death penalty to accused for rape- murder of a 5-year-old girl
The Additional District and Sessions Judge Ernakulam Court awarded death penalty to accused for rape- murder of a 5-year-old girl
November 16, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: State of Kerala v. Asafak Alam Decided on: 14 November, 2023 + Sessions Case No. 1385 of 2023 CORAM: HON’BLE Justice K. Soman Introduc

In case of death or injury to the loaded or unloaded workers of the goods carriage is also entitled for the benefits in the policy : The High court of kerala
November 15, 2023by Primelegal Team0

  In case of death or injury to the loaded or unloaded workers of the goods carriage is also entitled for the benefits in the policy : The Hig

Telangana High Court on writ of mandamus directing the respondents to grant the reliefs benefit including grant of promotion to the rank of Subedar Major.
Telangana High Court on writ of mandamus directing the respondents to grant the reliefs benefit including grant of promotion to the rank of Subedar Major.
November 15, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Telangana High Court on writ of mandamus directing the respondents to grant the reliefs benefit including grant of promotion to the rank of Subedar

Live-in relationship without obtaining decree of Divorce from the previous marriage attracts Bigamy : The High court of Punjab and Haryana
November 15, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Live-in relationship without obtaining decree of Divorce from the previous marriage attracts Bigamy : The High court of Punjab and Haryana Title &#

The Supreme Court decision on the  appellant finding guilty for the commission of offences  punishable under Sections 148, 302 read with Section 149.
The Supreme Court decision on the appellant finding guilty for the commission of offences punishable under Sections 148, 302 read with Section 149.
November 15, 2023by Primelegal Team0

The Supreme Court decision on the  appellant finding guilty for the commission of offences  punishable under Sections 148, 302 read with Section