Title: Deepak Kumar v State of Bihar Citation: CR. MISC. No.40319 of 2022 Decided On: 01-11-2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice Satyavrat Verma Intr
Title: Deepak Kumar v State of Bihar Citation: CR. MISC. No.40319 of 2022 Decided On: 01-11-2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice Satyavrat Verma Intr
Right To Protest Peacefully Significant Feature of A Democratic Country’: Madras High Court Quashes Proceedings Against Teachers. Title : J.Jayar
Madras High Court Asks Centre to Reconsider Enhancing Retirement Age Of Coast Guard Staff To 60 Years For All Ranks. Title : Lakshmichandra Harishc
Case No: Writ Petition No. 7295 of 2023 Case Title: In Reference (Suo Moto) v. The Chairman and Others CORAM: RAVI MALIMATH (CHIEF JUSTICE), VISHAL
Case No: Misc. Criminal Case No. 36923 of 2022 Case Title: Utkarsh Verma & Anr. v. State of Madhya Pradesh & Anr CORAM: HON’BLE SHRI
Citation: CWJC No.17367 of 2019 Decided On: 31-10-2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice Dr. Anshuman Introduction: The petitioner submits that the gri
Citation: CWJC No.2821 of 2019 Decided on: 31-10-2023 Coram: Honourable Mr. Justice Anil Kumar Sinha Introduction : Learned counsel for the petitio
Title: The Corporate Manager v. Beena Hilkushi and Ors. Decided on: 23 November, 2023 + WA NO. 2001/2023 CORAM: HON’BLE Justice A. Muhamed Mu
Title: Jayakrishna Menon v State of Kerala Decided on: 20 November, 2023 + CRL.MC NO. 7600 OF 2023 CORAM: HON’BLE Justice P.V.Kunhikrishna In
Title: Shambhu Lal vs Union Of India Citation: D.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 14655/2022 Coram: HON’BLE THE ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE MR. MANINDRA M