Case Title – Vinayak Purshottam Dube (deceased) vs Jayashree Padamkar Bhat & Others Case No. – Civil Appeal Nos.7768-7769 of 2023 D
Case Title – Vinayak Purshottam Dube (deceased) vs Jayashree Padamkar Bhat & Others Case No. – Civil Appeal Nos.7768-7769 of 2023 D
ABSTRACT This article talks about the recent supreme court ban on the advertisement published by Patanjali. The ban was due to the misleading natur
Our duty is not just to stand in solidarity with the survivors, but to actively work towards eradicating sexual violence in conflict and creating a
“SENSE over SENSATIONAL”, “DATA over DRAMA”, “FACTS over FRIVOLOUS” must be the mantra practiced by the TV News Channels in the course
The case Is FR.EDWIN PIGAREZ VERSUS STATE OF KERALA , JJ.Crl.Appeal Nos.1321 of 2016 and 160 of 2017. The appellant in Criminal Appeal No. 160 of 2
The case ,Savitri Bai versus Savitri Bai [S.L.P.(C) No.33563 of 2011] originated with a complaint that Savitri Bai the plaintiff purchases the suit
In precedence of the case Bharti Airtel Vs. State of Madhya Pradesh the High Court of Madhya Pradesh declared the demand notices sent to the appell
In the present case, the Hon’ble Supreme Court deals with the selection of the legal representative of the deceased Mrs. Urmila Devi. In 1982, a
High Court Bar Association v. State of U.P. & Ors Judgement is been delivered by Chief Justice of India, Dr Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud, Justice
The issue in this case was regarding the grant of Permanent Commission (PC) to Short Service Commission Officers (SSCO’s) in the Indian Navy. The