The competent authority is directed to resolve the petitioners’ grievance, pass a suitable order to appoint the petitioners on compassionate grounds due to the death of their husband/father who died during their Nagar Parishad Sasaram service period and communicate the same to the petitioners failing which, the respondent-department is liable to pay the petitioners’ litigation costs is upheld by the High Court of Patna through the learned bench led by HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE P. B. BAJANTHRI in the case of Neha Jaiswal Vs. The State of Bihar (Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No. 1757 of 2021)
Brief facts of the case are that Petitioners have requested for the issuance of a writ in the nature of a mandamus instructing the various authorities to appoint the petitioners on compassionate grounds due to the death of their husband/father who died during their Nagar Parishad Sasaram service period. Petitioner’s husband, late Sheo Shankar Prasad, died on April 25, 2019, and petitioner filed a compassionate appointment application on July 18, 2019.
After protracted correspondence, the petitioners’ grievance, however, has yet to be resolved by competent authorities. As a result, the competent authority is hereby directed to resolve the petitioners’ grievance, pass a suitable order, and communicate the same to the petitioners within eight weeks of receipt of this order, failing which, the respondent-department is liable to pay the petitioners’ litigation costs, which are valued at Rs. 25,000/-.
Click here to read the judgment
Judgement reviewed by – Pooja Lakshmi