Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Whether a priority industry eligible to avail sale tax benefits and exemptions contemplated under IPR-1996: Odisha High Court

If the industry complies with all the requirements of the applicable notifications, then there is no justification for denying the sale tax exempti

The plaintiff must prove that his dominant tenement and the defendant’s servient tenement were formerly a single tenement to claim an easement of necessity: Orissa High Court

For claiming an easement of necessity, the plaintiff has to plead that his dominant tenement and defendant’s servient tenement originally con

Parties adopting International Law in the agreement are not barred from taking recourse under the I&B Code: NCLAT

NCLT has jurisdiction to entertain an application under the IBC the parties cannot derive the advantage of the terms of the. An agreement where par

If the decision relating to the award of the contract is bona fide and is in public interest, courts will not exercise power of judicial review: Orissa High Court

Even if a procedural aberration, error in assessment, or prejudice to a tenderer is established, courts will not intervene in the exercise of judic

Issues prior to the enactment of I&B Code can be looked into for the purpose of entertaining an Application under Section 7 or 9 of the Code: NCLAT

Filing a petition under Section 9 of the Code before the commencement of the Code can be treated as a valid authorization. The judgment passed by t

Bail is the rule and committal to jail is an exception: High Court of Uttarakhand

Bail is the rule in most cases and refusing bail would be violating the personal liberty of the accused. A single-member bench consisting of Justic

Section 306 (4)(b) Cr.P.C. is not an absolute prohibition on the inherent power of the High Court U/S 482 of the Cr.P.C: High Court of Delhi
Section 306 (4)(b) Cr.P.C. is not an absolute prohibition on the inherent power of the High Court U/S 482 of the Cr.P.C: High Court of Delhi

The provisions of Section 306 (4)(b) of the Cr.P.C., 1973 cannot be taken as an absolute prohibition or fetter on the inherent power of the High Co

Section 10 CPC would apply only if there is identity of the matter in issue: High Court of Delhi
Section 10 CPC would apply only if there is identity of the matter in issue: High Court of Delhi

Section 10 would apply only if there is identity of the matter in issue, namely, that the whole of the subject matter in both the proceedings is id

An employee can be penalised for concealing information about involvement in a criminal case by employer, even if he is acquitted by a court: Guwahati High Court

An employer is well within his rights to penalize his employee for concealing information about his involvement in a criminal case to the extent of

Whether an unregistered and unduly stamped agreement could have been admitted in evidence in a suit for specific performance: Rajasthan High Court

While filling for a suit for specific performance of an agreement objection regarding the agreement being unstamped or unregistered can be entertai