Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Bail cannot be granted solely on the grounds of parity of order given to the co-accused: Allahabad High court.

A bail cannot be granted to the other accused on the footing of parity if the co-accused obtained bail by misrepresentation of facts. Such orders h

Appellant alleges that the respondent is trying to benefit the concerned party: Orders of AA under the RTI Act.

The appellate authority under the RTI (Right to Information) Act of the Securities and Exchange Board of India comprising of Mr. Anand Baiwar adjud

Even though the amount has been released under the recovery certificate, the writ petition is not infructuous: High Court of Delhi.

A writ petition had been filed for a release of amount under recovery certificate, and in default, the writ petition gets dismissed, whereas the am

Appeal preferred by Accused denied on the grounds of lack of substance: Chhattisgarh High Court

Statements of Complainant were not duly rebutted during cross-examination by the Appellant and controverted. The only claim of the Accused was the

Review petition cannot be treated as a second opportunity to argue matters which have already been adjudicated: High Court of Delhi.

Where an issue has already been decided in a judgement and later a review petition is filed to review such Judgement, then a person cannot treat th

Impugned order of detention cannot sustain judicial scrutiny. : Madhya Pradesh High Court

Given these authoritative pronouncements, there is little doubt that the detainee had a valuable right to make a representation to the detaining au

Judicial Review of administrative actions is intended to prevent arbitrariness, bias and mala fides. : Andhra Pradesh High Court

Administrative activity is subject to judicial review in order to prevent arbitrariness, irrationality, unreasonableness, bias, and mala fides. Its

Petitioner seeks for parole as he was the only one available to solemnize the marriage of his daughter and the court granted the same: High court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh

Parole is conditional freedom for a prison inmate. The prisoner also called a “parolee” gets out from behind bars but has to live up to

Cash credit loan account declared as NPA. The Respondents were seeking symbolic possession under the SARFAESI act section 13(4): High court of Punjab and Chandigarh

“A Cash Credit (CC) is a short-term source of financing for a company, it is a short-term loan. It enables a company (here the proprietorship) to

Evidence of approximate age cannot take the place of proof of exact age: High Court of Patna
Evidence of approximate age cannot take the place of proof of exact age: High Court of Patna

The evidence of date of birth asper the school records must be given the first preference and medical reports can be resorted only in the absence o