Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
If a licensee discovers in the course of audit or otherwise that a consumer has been short billed, the licensee is certainly entitled to raise a demand.: Supreme Court
If a licensee discovers in the course of audit or otherwise that a consumer has been short billed, the licensee is certainly entitled to raise a demand.: Supreme Court
October 6, 2021by Primelegal Team0

So long as the consumer does not dispute the correctness of the claim made by the licensee that there was short assessment, it is not open to the c

Unless and until there a decree for specific performance is passed and/or the sale deed is executed pursuant to such a decree, a person cannot be said to be the owner of the suit property.: Supreme Court
Unless and until there a decree for specific performance is passed and/or the sale deed is executed pursuant to such a decree, a person cannot be said to be the owner of the suit property.: Supreme Court
October 6, 2021by Primelegal Team0

As Defendant’s suit for specific performance is yet to be decided by the learned Trial Court, she cannot be said to be the owner of the suit prop

Driving of the insured vehicle using invalid or fake driving license, constitutes a breach of policy conditions, entitling the insurance company to avoid its liability : Jammu and Kashmir High Court
October 6, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The Court held that it has power to direct the insurance company to satisfy the award with a right to recover the awarded sum from the owner/insure

Publication made in good faith is not an offence of public mischief – J&K High Court
Publication made in good faith is not an offence of public mischief – J&K High Court
October 6, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Merely because a report allegedly threatens to disrupt the tourist season does not bring its publication within the four corners of the offence as

DNA test is accurate and cannot be doubted – Tripura High Court
October 6, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The DNA test is accurate and cannot be doubted – Tripura High Court The science of DNA profiling has been so perfected that unless the procedure

Stolen Vehicle used for illegal purpose released on serving a Panchanama by the petitioner: High Court of Patna
October 5, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Writ Petition in the form of mandamus was filed by the petitioner in order to release his vehicle which was confiscated in the matter of illegal tr

Land Acquisition done for Larger Public Interest is weighed over Individual Interests: High Court Of Orissa
October 5, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The petition was filed against the Land authorities for forcible and illegal acquisition. Under the light of all facts and circumstances, the court

The gravity of the offence, conduct of the accused and societal impact of an undue indulgence by Court, are also amongst a few situations, where a Superior Court can interfere in an order of bail : Supreme Court
October 5, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Bail can be revoked where the court has considered irrelevant factors or has ignored relevant material available on record which renders the order

The Court cannot allow a Petition under Section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996, when the remedy of arbitration is already provided in the agreement between the parties: High Court of Jammu &Kashmir and Ladakh
October 5, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Merely because it is easier to obtain interim relief from a Court rather than from an arbitrator or arbitral tribunal, the Court cannot allow the A

Power of an Arbitrator to award an interest while litigation awaits is restricted when the parties have agreed to contrary: Supreme Court of India
Power of an Arbitrator to award an interest while litigation awaits is restricted when the parties have agreed to contrary: Supreme Court of India
October 5, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The law relating to the award of pendente lite interest by Arbitrator under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 is no longer res Int