The Punjab High Court, on 13th December, 2022, in Jasbir Singh v/s State of Punjab (CRA-D-679-2022), granted bail to an accuse under the UAPA on gr
The Punjab High Court, on 13th December, 2022, in Jasbir Singh v/s State of Punjab (CRA-D-679-2022), granted bail to an accuse under the UAPA on gr
The Punjab High Court on 2nd March, 2023, in Sh. Sandeep Malik v/s Renu and others (CRR(F)-314 of 2023(O&M), held that the petitioner was respo
The Supreme Court in the case of CIT v. Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. (2018) 404 ITR 1/165 DTR 337/302 CTR 213/255 Taxman 305 (SC) held that as per S.
The High Court of Kerala passed a judgement on 16th January 2023, which stated that as a creature of the statute, the corporation cannot prevent
The High Court of Kerala passed a judgement on 17TH DAY OF JANUARY 2023 which stated that
The Andhra Pradesh High Court issued an order on 20th January, 1987 in which it held that any construction on the property allotted for recreation
The Punjab High Court in Bhajan Singh v/s PRTC (CWP-13281-2017), delivered on 31st January, 2023, held that notional breaks cannot be used unfairly
The Punjab High Court, on 2nd February, 2023, in ABC v/s State of Haryana and others (CWP-16867-2022 (O&M), directed compensation to the victim
The Karnataka High Court has passed a judgment on 13th February, 2023 set aside an order passed by the Special Court which rejected the application
The Karnataka High Court has passed a judgment on 7th February, 2023 modified an order passed by the Trial court which directed a woman be paid Rs.