Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Delhi High Court Dismissed the petition seeking to quash government order giving the categories of Priority within the reservations provided in the Army quota of 5% for admission to various Colleges.

Title: Viney Chaudhary vs UOI & Secretary of Higher Education Reserved: 25.05.23 Pronounced: 03.07.23 W.P.(C) 3285/2023 & CM APPL. 12796/20

Madras HC Directs Medical College To Transfer Rs 2.76 Crore Collected As Capitation Fee To Authorities For Special Scholarship.
Madras HC Directs Medical College To Transfer Rs 2.76 Crore Collected As Capitation Fee To Authorities For Special Scholarship.

Case Title:   Pooja Chakravarthy                           … Petitioner                           �

Madras High Court names Classic cases of lethargic attitude of the bureaucrats in our country.
Madras High Court names Classic cases of lethargic attitude of the bureaucrats in our country.

Case Title:   MA.Ranjith.                                               … Petitioner    �

Patna High Court disposed of the writ petition seeking a direction to consider candidature for the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division)

TITLE: Swati Swarnim v. State of Bihar & Ors.   Decided on: 28/06/2023 CWJC No: 17951/2022 Coram: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE ASHUTOSH KUMAR &

Clerical error stands as a cause for unemployment at Kurukshetra University
Clerical error stands as a cause for unemployment at Kurukshetra University

Clerical error stands as a cause for unemployment at Kurukshetra University  TITLE – Abid Ali v State of Haryana and Others Decided On-: :17.05.

Intent and participation of the accused are required for the abatement to occur says Punjab high court
Intent and participation of the accused are required for the abatement to occur says Punjab high court

Intent and participation of the accused are required for the abatement to occur says Punjab high court  TITLE – State of Haryana v Darshan Lal a

Allahabad High Court states that photocopy of a sale deed cannot be accepted as surety for matters with respect to S.17 of the ‘small causes courts act’ read along with S.145 of CPC.
Allahabad High Court states that photocopy of a sale deed cannot be accepted as surety for matters with respect to S.17 of the ‘small causes courts act’ read along with S.145 of CPC.

Title: Raj Kumar @ Rajenda Srivas And 3 Others vs. Mohd. Kaukab Azim Rizvi And Another Decided on: 31st May, 2023 [MATTERS UNDER ARTICLE 227 No. &#

Allahabad High Court orders the State Govt. to set out steps taken, funds allotted for construction of toilets for women in police stations.
Allahabad High Court orders the State Govt. to set out steps taken, funds allotted for construction of toilets for women in police stations.

Title: Diksha And 6 Others vs. State Of U.P. And 4 Others Decided on: 23rd June, 2023 PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION (PIL) No. – 1416 of 2023 COR

Delhi High court granted bail to an accused under the offence of Kidnapping, as per their authority under section 439 of CrPC.

Title: Shah Alam vs State Govt. of NCT Delhi Reserved: 01.06.2023 Pronounced: 07.06.2023 BAIL APPLN. 1033/2023 CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE VIKAS M

Delhi High court passed an order directing the Petitioner/tenants to pay use and occupation charges.

Title: MURARI CHAUHAN & ANR vs KAILASH NARAIN MALHOTRA Decided on: 21.06.2023 + RC.REV. 174/2019 & CM APPL. 13057/2019 and CM APPL. 40082/2