Title: Partha Sarathi Das v/s State of Odisha & others WP(CRL)No.70 of 2023 Date of Decision: 10th October 2023 CORAM: JUSTICE S.K. SAHOO and J
Title: Partha Sarathi Das v/s State of Odisha & others WP(CRL)No.70 of 2023 Date of Decision: 10th October 2023 CORAM: JUSTICE S.K. SAHOO and J
Title: National Federation Of The Blind V Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan & Ors  W.P.(C) 9520/2018 & CM APPL. 37096/2018 Decided On: 16.10.202
Title: Padmaben Rajendrabhai Vyas V State Of Gujarat R/SCR.A/11832/2023 Decided on: 09/10/2023 Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.S. Supehia and Hon’
Title: Syed Irshad Ahmed Zaid v. Shazia Anjum Citation: FA (MAT) No. 123 of 2023 Decided on: October 11, 2023 Coram: Justice Goutam Bhaduri and Jus
Title: Government of Maharashtra v Shrivin Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Case no.: AP 90 of 2023 Decided on: 12.10.2023 Coram: Justice Moushumi Bhattacharya Int
Tile: Sasikumar v. Ushadevi. Decided on October 6, 2023. Case No. CRL. REV. PET. No. 844 of 2011. CORUM: THE HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE C.S. DIAS. Intro
Title: Sathar K.A. V. The Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) & Ors. Decided on October 12, 2023. Case No. WP(C) No. 21832 of 2023. CORUM: THE HON
Title: M/S Divyajyothi vidya Kendra v. Karnataka housing board and others Decided on: 10th October 2023 WRIT APPEAL NO. 873 OF 2023 (GM-RES)Â
Title: Anil saw v. State of Jharkhand Decided on: 4th October 2023 Cr. Appeal (DB) No. 336 of 2023 Coram: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE SUJIT NARAYAN
Title: Moti Lal Yadav vs. Sri Rajiv Gowba & Another Date of Decision: October 9, 2023 Contempt Application (Civil) No. 2833 of 2023 CORAM Honâ€