Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
The Allahabad High Court quashed a penalty order, emphasizing that all information is accessible on the GST department’s portal, and it is the responsibility of the department to verify the details
The Allahabad High Court quashed a penalty order, emphasizing that all information is accessible on the GST department’s portal, and it is the responsibility of the department to verify the details
November 8, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: M/S Rama Brick Field v. Additional Commissioner Grade-2 And 2 Others Citation: WRIT TAX No. – 909 of 2022 Decided on: 6.11.2023 Coram:

Not obligatory to question the doctor who conducted the post-mortem examination if the accused does not challenge the authenticity of the post-mortem report: Orissa High Court
Not obligatory to question the doctor who conducted the post-mortem examination if the accused does not challenge the authenticity of the post-mortem report: Orissa High Court
November 8, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Leven Kerketta v. State of Odisha Citation: JCRLA No. 43 of 2008 Decided on: 02.11.2023 Coram: Justice Sangam Kumar Sahoo and Justice Chitta

Defection A Menace To Democracy, Stringent Financial Penalties Needed Against Defectors : Kerala High Court
Defection A Menace To Democracy, Stringent Financial Penalties Needed Against Defectors : Kerala High Court
November 8, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Deepak K. v The Kerala State Election Commission & connected case Decided on: 06.11.2023 Citation: WP(C) NO. 15253 OF 2023 and WP(C) NO.

Appellate Court Upholds Appellant’s Business Rights in Arbitration Dispute: High Court of Delhi
Appellate Court Upholds Appellant’s Business Rights in Arbitration Dispute: High Court of Delhi
November 8, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: HAD FLAVOURS PVT LTD. Vs. DADDY’S HOSPITALITY PVT LTD. Citation: ARB. A. (COMM.) 29/2023 & IA Nos.12437/2023, 12439/2023 Coram: HON’

Petitioner’s Appeal Granted: Court Reverses Decision on Ink Age Test
Petitioner’s Appeal Granted: Court Reverses Decision on Ink Age Test
November 8, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Dnyaneshwar Eknath Gulhane vs. Vinod Ramchandra Lokhande Citation: Criminal Writ Petition NO. 542/2023 Coram: JUSTICE ANIL L. PANSARE Decide

It Is Necessary To Fulfil The Twin Conditions Which Are Required For Grant Of Bail Under The PMLA, 2002: High Court Of Chhattisgarh
It Is Necessary To Fulfil The Twin Conditions Which Are Required For Grant Of Bail Under The PMLA, 2002: High Court Of Chhattisgarh
November 8, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Mr. Rajnikant Tiwari V Directorate Of Enforcement, Goi Citation: 2023:Cghc:26629 Coram: Hon’ble Shri Justice Narendra Kumar Vyas Decid

Court Cannot Turn A Blind Eye Towards Any Potential Violations Of Fire Norms: High Court Of Delhi
Court Cannot Turn A Blind Eye Towards Any Potential Violations Of Fire Norms: High Court Of Delhi
November 8, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Azad Market Residents Welfare Association V Ministry Of Home Affairs And Ors. Citation: W.P.(C) 8437/2022 Coram: Hon’ble The Chief Jus

The High Court of Gujarat discarded the matter to grant anticipatory bail to the Accused of Impersonation in the exam –  Candidates Burn Their Midnight Oil to Secure Government Jobs
The High Court of Gujarat discarded the matter to grant anticipatory bail to the Accused of Impersonation in the exam – Candidates Burn Their Midnight Oil to Secure Government Jobs
November 8, 2023by Primelegal Team0


The High Court of Delhi Structured KVS Student who was Unsuccessful to pass in Maths be approved for class xii marks obtained in physical education shall be approved
The High Court of Delhi Structured KVS Student who was Unsuccessful to pass in Maths be approved for class xii marks obtained in physical education shall be approved
November 8, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Aryan Kumar (Minor) through Father Ravinder Kumar v. Kendriya Vidyalaya & Ors.  Judgement dated : : 06th November 2023 W.P.(C) 108

Penalty Is Supposed To Be @ 1% Of The Cost Of Incomplete Work Per Week Of Delay Subject To Maximum Of 10 % Of The Total Cost Of Contract: High Court Of Delhi
Penalty Is Supposed To Be @ 1% Of The Cost Of Incomplete Work Per Week Of Delay Subject To Maximum Of 10 % Of The Total Cost Of Contract: High Court Of Delhi
November 7, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: National Projects Constructions Corporation Ltd. (Npcc) V M/S Aac India Pvt. Ltd Citation: Fao (Comm) 140/2021 Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Just