Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Consent and subsequent actions binds defendant in compromise agreement: Kerala High court.
Consent and subsequent actions binds defendant in compromise agreement: Kerala High court.
January 5, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Ashiya Ummal vs S.N. Sathy Case No: RSA NO. 247 OF 2023 Decided on: 3/1/2024 Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice A. Badharudeen    Facts of

Delhi High Court Advocates Swift Action in Organ Transplant Protocols….
Delhi High Court Advocates Swift Action in Organ Transplant Protocols….
January 5, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: AMAR SINGH BHATIA & ANR. V.  Sir Ganga Ram Hospital &Ors. Case No: W.P.(C) 3590/2020 & CM APPL. 12775/2020 Decided on:  4

“Delhi High Court Delineates Jurisprudential Boundaries in Revenue’s Royalty Dispute with Assessee in Hotel Industry, Emphasizing PE Presence and Urging Clarity on Taxability”
“Delhi High Court Delineates Jurisprudential Boundaries in Revenue’s Royalty Dispute with Assessee in Hotel Industry, Emphasizing PE Presence and Urging Clarity on Taxability”
January 5, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Hyatt International Southwest … vs Dcit (International Taxation),… Case No: ITA 215/2023 & CM APPL. 18200/2023 Decided

“Landmark Judgment Upholding Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Court Sets Aside Arbitrary Transfer, Protects Medical Needs of Petitioner”
“Landmark Judgment Upholding Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Court Sets Aside Arbitrary Transfer, Protects Medical Needs of Petitioner”
January 5, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Bhavneet Singh v Ircon Internatioal Ltd. through Chairman & MD & Ors. Case No: W.P.(C) 12404/2022, CM APPL. Nos. 37256/2022 &am

“International Jurisdictional Battle: Delhi Family Court Rejects Anti-Suit Injunction, Allows USA Divorce Proceedings in Disputed Matrimonial Case”
“International Jurisdictional Battle: Delhi Family Court Rejects Anti-Suit Injunction, Allows USA Divorce Proceedings in Disputed Matrimonial Case”
January 5, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Shri Sumit Sapra v Smt. Akansha Ahuja Sapra  Case No: MAT.APP.(F.C.) 358/2023 & CM APPL. 62410/2023 Decided on: 3rd January 2024 C

The SC directed the (SEBI) and the Union government’s investigative agencies to look into whether the loss suffered by Indian investors as a result of the Hindenburg research and any other entities taking short positions violated the law.
The SC directed the (SEBI) and the Union government’s investigative agencies to look into whether the loss suffered by Indian investors as a result of the Hindenburg research and any other entities taking short positions violated the law.
January 4, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title:  Vishal Tiwari v. Union of India Case No: W.P.(C) No. 162/2023 Decided on: 3rd January 2024 CORAM: DY Chandrachud, Chief Justice of In

The Supreme Court ruled that administrative High Court Chief Justices do not have the authority to usurp the executive’s regulatory authority.
The Supreme Court ruled that administrative High Court Chief Justices do not have the authority to usurp the executive’s regulatory authority.
January 4, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: The State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors. v. Association of Retired Supreme Court and High Court Judges at Allahabad & Ors Case No: CIV

Delhi High Court directed KVS to grant admission to petitioner’s ward, who was denied the same on the grounds that EWS certificate was not issued by govt of Delhi but UP.
Delhi High Court directed KVS to grant admission to petitioner’s ward, who was denied the same on the grounds that EWS certificate was not issued by govt of Delhi but UP.
January 4, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Hare Krishna Pathak vs Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan & Anr. Case No: W.P.(C) 3041/2022 & CM APPL. 8955/2023 Decided on: 22nd Dec

The Previous Order Which Is Correct In Law Can Not Be Modified By The Interim Application : Bombay HC
The Previous Order Which Is Correct In Law Can Not Be Modified By The Interim Application : Bombay HC
January 4, 2024by Primelegal Team0

TITLE : Mangaka Sarosh Bana v Renuka alias Rekha Satish Narwankar   CORAM : Hon’ble Justice Milind N Jadhav DATE :  3rd January 2024 CITATION :

Appellate Court Upholds Determination of Coparcener Rights in Ancestral Property Dispute: Bombay HC
Appellate Court Upholds Determination of Coparcener Rights in Ancestral Property Dispute: Bombay HC
January 4, 2024by Primelegal Team0

Title: Sau. Ushabai Vs Smt. Mainabai and ORS. Citation: SECOND APPEAL NO. 326/2015 Coram: Justice SMT. M.S. JAWALKAR Date: 22/12/23 Facts The case