Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Twin conditions to be satisfied before issuing directions under Order 38 Rule 5 of CPC : Delhi High Court
Twin conditions to be satisfied before issuing directions under Order 38 Rule 5 of CPC : Delhi High Court
January 9, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Merely having a just or valid claim or a prima facie case will not entitle the plaintiff to an order of attachment before the, unless it is establi

Courts have no powers to alter the Presidential order on Scheduled tribes: Supreme Court
Courts have no powers to alter the Presidential order on Scheduled tribes: Supreme Court
January 9, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Power to include or exclude, amend or alter the Presidential Order is expressly and exclusively conferred on and vested with the Parliament was opi

The sole testimony of the victim cannot be relied upon: Sikkim High Court
The sole testimony of the victim cannot be relied upon: Sikkim High Court
January 9, 2021by Primelegal Team0

A five-year delay in filing the FIR and discrepancies noted in witness testimonies gave the benefit of doubt to a man charged with rape. This decis

Not granting Bail because offence is serious in nature, would amount to inflicting pre-trial punishment upon Accused: Jammu & Kashmir High Court
January 9, 2021by Primelegal Team0

“Allowing the petitioner to remain in custody because of the reason that the offences alleged to have been committed by him are serious in nature

Re-litigation of similar issues decided in previous orders cannot be permitted: Delhi High Court
Re-litigation of similar issues decided in previous orders cannot be permitted: Delhi High Court
January 9, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Abuse of the process of court cannot be permitted, the court observed that the Petitioner’s contention have earlier been considered in the previo

Amendments made in the year 2014 and 2018 to the Companies Act, 2013 are prospective: Calcutta High Court
January 8, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Amendments made in the year 2014 to Section 164(2) and 2018 amendment to proviso to Section 167(1)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013 are prospective in

Powers of Section 482 CrPC should only be used in “Rarest of the rare” cases: Bombay High Court
January 8, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The judgment of conviction cannot be set aside in an appeal/revision only on the ground that the parties have entered into a compromise under Secti

Minor discrepancies in the testimonies cannot render them unreliable: Delhi High Court
Minor discrepancies in the testimonies cannot render them unreliable: Delhi High Court
January 8, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Testimonies by victims of hideous crimes cannot be rendered unreliable due to existence of minor discrepancies in their statements. The High Court

Goodwill, misinterpretation and damage to be established in a trademark infringement case: Delhi High Court
Goodwill, misinterpretation and damage to be established in a trademark infringement case: Delhi High Court
January 8, 2021by Primelegal Team0

Actions of infringement of trademark have a public interest element of protecting customers at large from the possibility of confusion. The Supreme

Twaha Fasal’s bail gets canceled in UAPA case over alleged Maoist links: Kerala High Court
January 8, 2021by Primelegal Team0

The bail order passed by Special NIA Court Kochi for Thwaha Fasal in a UAPA case, arrested on November 2019 was set aside by the Kerala High Court.