Where a service related claim is based on a continuing wrong, relief can be granted even if there is a long delay in seeking remedy, with reference
Where a service related claim is based on a continuing wrong, relief can be granted even if there is a long delay in seeking remedy, with reference
The presence of an alternate land that can be used for accommodation by the landlord cannot by itself be a ground for denying a suit of eviction ag
When any government agency uses the testimony of the officers to convict someone of carrying prohibited drugs, such testimonies cannot be inconsist
Keeping in view that the matter compromised inter-se them, the possibility of conviction is remote and no fruitful purpose would be served in conti
To ensure timely compliance ordered if needful is not done within the said period, respondent would be entitled to 9% interest and it has no specif
Where the objective and positive material for the correct valuation of the relief claimed is available in the relief itself and petitioners have cl
Constitutionality of an enactment or any part thereof and the burden to show that there has been a clear transgression of constitutional principles
If the parties had compromised the matter vide Compromise Deed, then no purpose would be served by keeping the proceedings alive. This remarkable j
The NDPS Act defines commercial quantity as the quantity greater than the quantity specified in the schedule. S. 2 (xxiii-a) defines a small quanti
In absence of any cogent or corroborative evidence in support of the claim of the appellant, it can be held that the appellant deserted the respond