Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
The right to wages is an integral part of the right to livelihood and is entitled to protection under Art.21: Orissa High Court
The right to wages is an integral part of the right to livelihood and is entitled to protection under Art.21: Orissa High Court

The legislative scheme of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act places the “Right to Livelihood” at a higher pedestal than

The High Court is not and cannot act as a second court of the first appeal: Orissa High Court

It is very disconcerting that the High Court functioned as a disciplinary appeal authority and even re-evaluated the evidence before the investigat

Appellant granted bail to attend father’s last rites: The High Court of Jharkhand

Appellant granted bail to attend the last rites of his father who lost his life due to covid-19. The above mentioned was a gesture of sympathy show

S.147 of the Motors Vehicles Act, 1988 covers death or bodily injury to even gratuitous passenger: Karnataka High Court

Section 147 of the MV Act, 1988 ensures that an Insurance Policy covering Third-party risk is not required to exclude gratuitous passengers in a ve

Compensation for serious injuries should consider how it will affect the victim in the future: High Court of Jammu and Kashmir
Compensation for serious injuries should consider how it will affect the victim in the future: High Court of Jammu and Kashmir

When a serious injury has been inflicted upon a person, the compensation granted to him needs to include aspects like whether the injury will worse

Due permission must be obtained before revising a development plan: Bombay High Court

In order to move forward with the revision of a draft development plan, the said proposal must be reflected by the State under the provisions of th

“Society has always portrayed “homosexual”, “gay”, “lesbian” as anathema: Madras High Court
“Society has always portrayed “homosexual”, “gay”, “lesbian” as anathema: Madras High Court

Justice N Anand Venkatesh garnered immense respect for his decision in Ms. S Sushma v. Commissioner of Police; [W.P.No.7284 of 2021], for supportin

Opportunity for re-evaluation of answer sheets cannot be claimed by candidates in any examination as a right: The High Court of Delhi

In the absence of any specific provision conferring such a right upon an examinee to have her answer books revaluated, no such direction can be iss

If the Magistrate has dismissed the complaint without giving reasons, the error is of a kind that goes to the root of the matter: Orissa High Court

If the Magistrate has rejected the case for no cause, the mistake is a kind that is at the bottom of the situation. Without the justifications, the

Financial creditors may perceive Rs 550-600 Billion through IBC in FY22

The flare-up of the Covid-19 pandemic and its connected impacts in FY2021 battered the possibilities for focused on resource resolution. The pandem