Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
When the age of a girl is determined by the Radiological or Ossification Test the margin of error should be 2 years on either side: Telangana High Court overturn the POCSO conviction.
When the age of a girl is determined by the Radiological or Ossification Test the margin of error should be 2 years on either side: Telangana High Court overturn the POCSO conviction.
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Mekala Shiva v. The State of Telangana (Criminal Appeal No.167 OF 2022) decided through the learned bench led by Justice K.Surender,

Use of section 149 of CrPC to virtually issue orders of injunction, can never be contemplated: Bombay High Court.
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court passed a judgement on Wednesday, the 27th of July, in the year 2022 in which the court quashed the notice issued by the Sad

Consideration of the post status of the anganwadi workers : High Court Of Calcutta
Consideration of the post status of the anganwadi workers : High Court Of Calcutta
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Consideration of the post status of the anganwadi workers : High Court Of Calcutta   The question that came up for consideration before the honour

Division bench settled principle of law that if the status allows and authority to act in particular way that act must be done in that way : High Court Of Calcutta
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Division bench settled principle of law that if the status allows and authority to act in particular way that act must be done in that way : High C

Notice addressed to a director signatory of a cheque who has represented the drawer company: High Court of Calcutta
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Notice addressed to a director signatory of a cheque who has represented the drawer company: High Court of Calcutta   Applying the aforesaid princ

In Academic Appointments, Courts Should Be “Extremely Reluctant” To Impose Their Own Views: Repeated by Orissa High Court
In Academic Appointments, Courts Should Be “Extremely Reluctant” To Impose Their Own Views: Repeated by Orissa High Court
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Satya Narayan Bhujabala & Anr V. Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Science and Research, Burla and Ors. (Case No.: W.P.(C)

The High Court of Orissa at Cuttack cancelled the bail bonds of the accused and directed him to surrender, after found guilty of murder.
The High Court of Orissa at Cuttack cancelled the bail bonds of the accused and directed him to surrender, after found guilty of murder.
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of Shiba Dandasena V. State of Odisha (JCRLA No. 14 of 2011), the present appeal is directed against the Judgment dated 10th February 2

Arbitral Award Cannot Be Disallowed Because It Is Based on Insufficient Evidence: Orissa High Court
Arbitral Award Cannot Be Disallowed Because It Is Based on Insufficient Evidence: Orissa High Court
August 12, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of GMR Kamalanga Energy Ltd. versus SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation (Dated: 17.06.2022), the Orissa High Court has stated

Civil court has no power to grant injunction in respect of any taken or to be taken in pursuance: High Court Of Calcutta
Civil court has no power to grant injunction in respect of any taken or to be taken in pursuance: High Court Of Calcutta
August 11, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Click here to view judgement   It is, clear from the language given in the section 34 of the act that the civil court shall not grant injunction i

Performance of official duties to be admissible under section 35 of the evidence act : High Court Of Calcutta
August 11, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Click here to view the judgement