Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
One attesting witness is enough to be examined for execution : high court of Calcutta
One attesting witness is enough to be examined for execution : high court of Calcutta
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

One attesting witness is enough to be examined for execution : high court of Calcutta

Where no award is made by the Lok adalat on the ground that no compromise or settlement could be arrived at between the parties : High Court Of Calcutta
Where no award is made by the Lok adalat on the ground that no compromise or settlement could be arrived at between the parties : High Court Of Calcutta
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

Where no award is made by the Lok adalat on the ground that no compromise or settlement could be arrived at between the parties : High Court Of Cal

A worker who consents to a contractual engagement cannot later seek benefits under Section 25F of the Industrial Disputes Act: Gujarat High Court
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Gujarat High Court on 5th August 2022 ruled that where a specific condition is stated in the consent letter of employment that the appointmen

To fulfil “personal life’s exigencies” the M.V. Tribunals may permit the Claimant to withdraw FD Compensation prematurely: Gujarat High Court
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Gujarat High Court on 2nd August 2022 ruled that Motor Accident Claims Tribunals may allow claimants whose compensation is invested in fixed d

Non-renewal of a contract while on probation does not constitute “Retrenchment” under the Industrial Disputes Act.: Gujarat High Court
August 17, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Gujarat High Court on 10th August 2022 ruled that termination of service due to a non-probation extension would not constitute ‘retren

Assuming the documents filed with the charge sheet are considered on their face value, there is no chance of the appellant being convicted for the said crime and continuation of the trial would only amount to misuse of the process of the Court: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
August 16, 2022by Primelegal Team0


Under Article 226 of the Constitution and the principle of double jeopardy as enshrined under Article 20(2) would be applicable in the facts and circumstances of the case as the petitioner cannot be made to suffer twice under two different Acts for the same set of offences: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
August 16, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The petition stands allowed and is hereby quashed by HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE in the case of ANNU @ ANURAG V. THE STATE OF MADHYA PRA

A person would not fall under the definition of rape if it can be demonstrated that the promise to marry given to the prosecutrix was not false at the inception when they indulged in sexual act, but subsequently he failed to honour his promise to marry the prosecutrix: HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE
August 16, 2022by Primelegal Team0

This petition stands disposed of by HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE in the case of SACHIN JAIN V. THE STATE OF MADHYA PRADESH through HON’

A specific action is necessary under sec 306 of IPC and just the pressure or harassment at the workplace is not enough to prove abetment to suicide: Andhra Pradesh High Court
A specific action is necessary under sec 306 of IPC and just the pressure or harassment at the workplace is not enough to prove abetment to suicide: Andhra Pradesh High Court
August 16, 2022by Primelegal Team0

In the case of B.Sridevi v. the state of Andhra Pradesh(CRIMINAL PETITION NO. 4976 OF 2022), the Hon’ble Justice Subba Reddy Satti granted a pre-

Publication of preliminary notification under Section 4 of the Old Act amounts to initiation of the land acquisition proceedings for the purposes of Section 24(1) of the New Act: Bombay High Court.
August 16, 2022by Primelegal Team0

The Bombay High Court passed a judgement on 17th December of 2021 in which it answered the query of the division bench in regards to the Right to F