In the matter of Sri Nandeesh C M vs National Medical Commission on 25 November, 2022(W.P.No.22910/2022 (EDN-MED-ADM) observed by The hon’ble jud
In the matter of Sri Nandeesh C M vs National Medical Commission on 25 November, 2022(W.P.No.22910/2022 (EDN-MED-ADM) observed by The hon’ble jud
In the matter of Sri A N Ravi Kumar vs Sri B Manjunath on 24 November, 2022(C. C. C. NO. 663 OF 2022 (CIVIL)) presided by THE HON’BLE JUSTICE Chi
In the matter of Sri. B.C. Ravindra vs The Chairman Land Tribunal on 24 November, 2022(WRIT PETITION NO.59736 OF 2014(LR) C/W WRIT PETITION NO.2744
IN the matter of Shiek Mohammed Arbaz vs State Of Karnataka on 25 November, 2022(CRIMINAL PETITION NO.10149/2022) proceeded by The hon’ble justic
In the matter of Sri Nandeesh C M vs National Medical Commission on 25 November, 2022(W.P.No.22910/2022 (EDN-MED-ADM) observed by The hon’ble jud
On 9th December 2022, I was fortunate enough to attend the event TRANSform 2022: How Law Shapes Transgender Rights, Identities and Communities, hos
The above was opined by the Calcutta High Court in the case of Nitesh Kharga v. State of West Bengal and Ors. WPO/2799/2022, which was presided ove
The above-mentioned was opined by the Calcutta High Court in the case Anirban @ Anirban Basu v. Kolkata Municipal Corporation and Anr. WPO/3056/202
The above was opined by the Calcutta High Court in the case of In the Goods of Shri Dhirendra Mohan Ojha v. Mukti Ojha and Ors. IA NO. GA/2/2022, w
The above-mentioned was opined by the Calcutta High Court in the case Star Vincom Pvt. Ltd v. K.L Pvt Ltd, IA No. GA/1/2022 before Honourable Justi