Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
A person who has converted to another religion cannot claims the benefit of that community before conversion unless it was expressly granted by the State : Madras High Court
A person who has converted to another religion cannot claims the benefit of that community before conversion unless it was expressly granted by the State : Madras High Court
January 4, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court Madras High Court gave a progressive Judgment on the basis of the benefits of the person if he/she will convert his/her religion.

Establishing an intimate relationship by giving the false promise marriage is an offence : Madras High Court
Establishing an intimate relationship by giving the false promise marriage is an offence : Madras High Court
January 4, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court The Madars High Court passed a judgement on a case in which a criminal appeal was filed under section 374(2) of the Criminal Proc

Police Can’t Kill Accused Simply Because He Is A Feared Criminal, Pilibhit “Fake” Encounter, 1991: Allahabad High Court
Police Can’t Kill Accused Simply Because He Is A Feared Criminal, Pilibhit “Fake” Encounter, 1991: Allahabad High Court
January 4, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case title – Devendra Pandey and others vs. State Of U.P. Thru. C.B.I. along with connected matters   While convicting 43 Uttar Pradesh

Gyanvapi, Court Reserves Decision On Masjid Committee’s Petition Questioning Maintainability Of Hindu Worshippers’:Allahabad High Court
Gyanvapi, Court Reserves Decision On Masjid Committee’s Petition Questioning Maintainability Of Hindu Worshippers’:Allahabad High Court
January 4, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case title – Committee of Management Anjuman Intezamia Masajid Varanasi v. Smt. Rakhi Singh and others [CIVIL REVISION No. – 101 of 202

No appeal can be preferred challenging the issuance of an arms license in favor of any person under S. 18 Arms Act, 1959: Rajasthan High Court
No appeal can be preferred challenging the issuance of an arms license in favor of any person under S. 18 Arms Act, 1959: Rajasthan High Court
January 4, 2023by Primelegal Team0

No appeal can be preferred challenging the issuance of an arms license in favor of any person under S. 18 Arms Act, 1959: Rajasthan High Court  Th

That right was not absolute and may be lawfully restricted for prevention of crime, disorder or protection of health or morals or protection of rights and freedom of others.- Odisha High Court
That right was not absolute and may be lawfully restricted for prevention of crime, disorder or protection of health or morals or protection of rights and freedom of others.- Odisha High Court
January 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

On 20th July 2004 the High Court of Odisha Passed a Judgement with regard to whether a direction can be issued for conducting DNA test and blood gr

“Be Careful In Future,” The High Court advises in response to the judgement of the trial court that included the name of the alleged rape victim: Allahabad High Court
“Be Careful In Future,” The High Court advises in response to the judgement of the trial court that included the name of the alleged rape victim: Allahabad High Court
January 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case title – Bablu @ Jitendra And Another vs. State of U.P [CRIMINAL APPEAL No. – 1201 of 2021]   The Allahabad High Court recentl

“His Intention Is To Harass Wife”: Calcutta High Court Dismisses Husband’s Plea To Transfer Maintenance Case Filed By Wife: High Court
“His Intention Is To Harass Wife”: Calcutta High Court Dismisses Husband’s Plea To Transfer Maintenance Case Filed By Wife: High Court
January 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

The Calcutta High Court recently denied a man’s request to transfer Section 125 CrPC proceedings that his wife had started before the Burdwan

“Live-in relationship cannot be at the cost of social fabric of this country”: Rajasthan High Court.
“Live-in relationship cannot be at the cost of social fabric of this country”: Rajasthan High Court.
January 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

“Live-in relationship cannot be at the cost of social fabric of this country”: Rajasthan High Court.   The High Court of Rajasthan dismissed

Woman Married To Gay Man ‘Aggrieved Person’ Under DV Act, Mumbai Court Upholds Order On Grant Of Maintenance To Wife: MUMBAI COURT
January 3, 2023by Primelegal Team0

A sessions court upheld an order for a “gay” man to pay maintenance to his separated wife, reasoning that the phrase “aggrieved p