Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Karnataka Examination Authority cannot withhold student’s original documents in the absence of enabling rules: Karnataka HC
Karnataka Examination Authority cannot withhold student’s original documents in the absence of enabling rules: Karnataka HC
January 6, 2023by Primelegal Team0

The Karnataka High court passed a judgement on 27.12.22 under Justice S Sunil Datt Yadav and Justice CM Joshi in Ankit Kumar & others v. State

The Hon’ble Supreme Court in catena of judgments have categorically held that the power to be exercised under Section 438 of Cr.P.C. are extraordinary and ought not to be exercised in a routine manner: Delhi High Court
The Hon’ble Supreme Court in catena of judgments have categorically held that the power to be exercised under Section 438 of Cr.P.C. are extraordinary and ought not to be exercised in a routine manner: Delhi High Court
January 6, 2023by Primelegal Team0

BAIL APPLN. 3698/2022 & CRL.M. (BAIL) 1511/2022 Mohd Tauseef vs STATE GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI  The present petition is filed for grant of pre-ar

Plea of the Petitioner that he has become an owner of the subject shop by adverse possession, the said plea is not maintainable in law being mutually destructive with his plea of challenging the ownership rights of the Respondent: Delhi High Court
Plea of the Petitioner that he has become an owner of the subject shop by adverse possession, the said plea is not maintainable in law being mutually destructive with his plea of challenging the ownership rights of the Respondent: Delhi High Court
January 6, 2023by Primelegal Team0

RC.REV. 359/2018 & CM APPL. 49793/2022 MOHD YASEEN vs GULZAR BEGUM This is an application filed by the Respondent (i.e. the landlady), seeking

The petition seeking equal status to atleast 30% women advocates seeking conferment of Senior Advocate dismissed by Madras High Court
The petition seeking equal status to atleast 30% women advocates seeking conferment of Senior Advocate dismissed by Madras High Court
January 6, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court In this case writ petition was filed for issuance of writ of mandamus directing the respondents to give equal status to atleast 3

Interim injunction was granted to Viacom-18 by Madras High Court
Interim injunction was granted to Viacom-18 by Madras High Court
January 6, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court In this case Viacom 18 had approached the court seeking injunction against Internet Service Provider (ISP) for broadcasting the e

Writ petition not maintainable due to having an alternative and efficacious remedy under S. 17 of the SARFAESI ACT: Rajasthan High Court 
Writ petition not maintainable due to having an alternative and efficacious remedy under S. 17 of the SARFAESI ACT: Rajasthan High Court 
January 6, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Writ petition not maintainable due to having an alternative and efficacious remedy under S. 17 of the SARFAESI ACT: Rajasthan High Court  The High

Exercising judicial discretion as well as invoking the sense for exercising judicial discretion lies with the court; Rejects bail: Rajasthan High court  
Exercising judicial discretion as well as invoking the sense for exercising judicial discretion lies with the court; Rejects bail: Rajasthan High court  
January 6, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Exercising judicial discretion as well as invoking the sense for exercising judicial discretion lies with the court; Rejects bail: Rajasthan High c

Whether, the claim of the Union regarding 40 workers as per list enclosed should be treated as regular workers of Paradip Port Trust and paid regular wages at par with the similar worker of Paradip Port Trust Management. If so, to what relief the workers are entitled and from which date? – Odisha High Court
Whether, the claim of the Union regarding 40 workers as per list enclosed should be treated as regular workers of Paradip Port Trust and paid regular wages at par with the similar worker of Paradip Port Trust Management. If so, to what relief the workers are entitled and from which date? – Odisha High Court
January 5, 2023by Primelegal Team0

On 31st August 2007 the Odisha High Court passed a Judgement relating to the case of Paradip Post Trust and General Secretary. And the Judgement wa

The car, came from the opposite direction and dashed against the rickshaw. As a result of the accident, the claimant received serious injuries over several parts of his body and remained as an indoor patient at Sakhigopal Hospital. It was found that his left leg and the right collar bone were fractured. He alleged that he became invalid and members of his family have been deprived of his earnings as a rickshaw puller. Claim of Rs. 22,000/- as compensation was laid before the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal at Puri. – Odisha High Court.
The car, came from the opposite direction and dashed against the rickshaw. As a result of the accident, the claimant received serious injuries over several parts of his body and remained as an indoor patient at Sakhigopal Hospital. It was found that his left leg and the right collar bone were fractured. He alleged that he became invalid and members of his family have been deprived of his earnings as a rickshaw puller. Claim of Rs. 22,000/- as compensation was laid before the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal at Puri. – Odisha High Court.
January 5, 2023by Primelegal Team0

On 30th April 1976, the Odisha High Court passed a judgement in relation to Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and The Insurance Act, 1938. This Judgement wa

The direction of removal of encroachment is without prejudice to rival claims to ownership of graveyards: Delhi High Court
The direction of removal of encroachment is without prejudice to rival claims to ownership of graveyards: Delhi High Court
January 5, 2023by Primelegal Team0

W.P.(C) 17520/2022 & CM APPL. 55902/2022 MOHD ISREAL AND ORS vs DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND ANR.                   The current wr