Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Due to non-compliance with the Supreme Court’s judgement, the High Court orders that the UP Urban Local Body Elections be held without OBC reservation : Allahabad High Court
Due to non-compliance with the Supreme Court’s judgement, the High Court orders that the UP Urban Local Body Elections be held without OBC reservation : Allahabad High Court
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: State of UP v. Vaibhav Pandey And Anr. SLP(C) No. 128/2023 Due to the fact that the state’s notification regarding OBC reservatio

Because it appears that the CSC office is not functioning properly, the HC has directed the government to install a biometric attendance system: Allahabad High Court
Because it appears that the CSC office is not functioning properly, the HC has directed the government to install a biometric attendance system: Allahabad High Court
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Title: Nar Singh And Others v. State Of U.P.And Others FACTS The Chief Bench of the Allahabad High Court recently observed that files were not

In a case of employment as a TSR driver it cannot be expected that there would be properly drafted employment contract: Delhi High Court   
In a case of employment as a TSR driver it cannot be expected that there would be properly drafted employment contract: Delhi High Court  
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

FAO 99/2022,  CM APPL. 19849/2022 (Delay) SEEMA & ORS v.  HDFC ERGO GEN INS CO LTD & ORS. The appeal has been filed under Section 30 of t

There was no occasion to hold an enquiry in respect of a candidate who infact has not been appointed or selected for the post: Delhi High Court
There was no occasion to hold an enquiry in respect of a candidate who infact has not been appointed or selected for the post: Delhi High Court
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

W.P.(C) 114/2023 & CM APPL. 421/2023 SHYAM ALI v.  UNION OF INDIA AND ANR. Being aggrieved against the order on 28.10.2022, the current petiti

‘DIGIPE’ gets restrained by the Madras High Court for using its marks says that it is similar to ‘PhonePe’
‘DIGIPE’ gets restrained by the Madras High Court for using its marks says that it is similar to ‘PhonePe’
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court In this case PhonePe made an applicant in Madras High Court to grant an interim injunction. PhonePe issued a legal notice to DIGI

Latha Educational Society gets permission to open its two school by Madras High Court which was vandalised in July 2022 following the death of a school girl, for classes IX-XII on a trial basis for One Month
Latha Educational Society gets permission to open its two school by Madras High Court which was vandalised in July 2022 following the death of a school girl, for classes IX-XII on a trial basis for One Month
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Madras High Court In this case a girl of 17 year old died by suicide by jumping from the school building over alleged mistreatment by school author

Declaration of journalist as front-line health workers a ‘policy decision’; Court dismisses appeal: Rajasthan High Court
Declaration of journalist as front-line health workers a ‘policy decision’; Court dismisses appeal: Rajasthan High Court
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Declaration of journalist as front-line health workers a ‘policy decision’; Court dismisses appeal: Rajasthan High Court The Rajasthan High Cou

Judgements cited by the applicant cannot be made basis as precedent to infer that the balance of convenience always lies in favor of the wife; transfer petition allowed: Rajasthan High Court
Judgements cited by the applicant cannot be made basis as precedent to infer that the balance of convenience always lies in favor of the wife; transfer petition allowed: Rajasthan High Court
January 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Judgements cited by the applicant cannot be made basis as precedent to infer that the balance of convenience always lies in favor of the wife; tran

No ground to interfere with the order, however, we clarify that in case any order is passed by the competent court under Section 125 Cr.P.C., the maintenance already being paid under the order impugned herein dated 17.06.2019 shall be appropriately taken into account: Delhi High Court
No ground to interfere with the order, however, we clarify that in case any order is passed by the competent court under Section 125 Cr.P.C., the maintenance already being paid under the order impugned herein dated 17.06.2019 shall be appropriately taken into account: Delhi High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

W.P.(C) 13556/2021 VIRENDRA KUMAR v.  UNION OF INDIA & ORS. Petitioner seeks quashing of Section 92 (i) of the Air Force Act, 1950 and Air For

Once the petitioner failed to comply with the mandatory condition of the advertisement, the respondent no.1 cannot be faulted for rejecting his candidature: Delhi High Court
Once the petitioner failed to comply with the mandatory condition of the advertisement, the respondent no.1 cannot be faulted for rejecting his candidature: Delhi High Court
January 9, 2023by Primelegal Team0

W.P.(C) 4463/2021 & CM APPL. 13643/2021 (interim relief) GAURAV PALIWAL v.  CENTRAL WAREHOUSING CORPORATION & ORS. The petitioner has appr