The Karnataka High Court has held that only the Central Government can make provision for prohibiting, restricting, or regulating the import or exp
The Karnataka High Court has held that only the Central Government can make provision for prohibiting, restricting, or regulating the import or exp
The Bombay High Court passed a order on 3 March, 2023.This was seen in the case of Preeti Sharma Menon & Anr. v. State of Maharashtra & Ors
The European Court of Human Rights has heard two oral arguments by the applicants of France and Switzerland wherein the governments are accused of
Justice Alito J, gives his historical approach in the case of Roe V. Wade which argues for the recognition of the constitutional right to abortion.
Valid Contract: An unenforceable and illegal contract would be the void contract but the voidable contracts can be a legal contract which would be
The importance of this case of “Boulton vs Jones” would be understood through the concepts of the offer made when it comes to the ascertained a
The Delhi High Court has passed a judgment on 01-10-2021 in the case of M/S Sanjay Iron And Steel Ltd. Vs Steel Authority Of India ARB.P. 408/2021.
The Delhi High Court has passed a judgment on 23-05-2022 in the case of Union Of India vs M/S Rail Infrastructure Ltd. O.M.P. (COMM) 227/2019. Just
The Karnataka High Court recently refused to quash the defamation proceedings pending against the President of Bowring Institute, who allegedly cir
The Karnataka High Court has held that under Section 216 of Criminal Procedure Code, a trial court can only alter the charge or add to the charge w